Brand Building Using Social Media— Nikhil Kant

Sradha Suresh
3 min readFeb 26, 2024


Branding. Sounds cool right? Nikhil Kant head of branding at Even Healthcare talked about how startups can brand their product on social media. Lets take a look ~

In this cluttered age, How do you make your product standout ? How do you build trust in your customers when it’s all oversaturated? and Why should you care? Lets take a look in detail~

✅Why branding your product is important ?

Here are 3 important reasons why~

💕Building a brand enables users to trust your brand

👋 It makes your brand more recognizable.

⬇️ It reduces the customer acquisition cost by generating strong organic conversions.

🔎Differentiating your brand from the rest

In this 🌊 sea of ads, you do need to make your product stand out, hence building a solid differentiation for your brand is inevitable. But how?

You can do this by differentiating your product’s pricing, presentation, experiences, and emotions when you showcase your product.

Excerpt from Nikhil’s Presentation

Now lets take a look on each of them

📦Differentiating using Product


Tell people about your product through physical characteristics of the products or the way in which a product or services is delivered.

💰Differentiation based on pricing

You can place your product either on the low end pricing or on the high end pricing. In some cases, an effective brand differentiation strategy can enable a brand to command a higher price premium than they otherwise could obtain.

Some examples for low end pricing would be the brand BoAt, and high end pricing would be Starbucks.

👩‍🏫Differentiation based on Presentation

Having a unique way to represent your brand can be a huge factor to differentiate your product from the rest. You can use the following methods~

🐱‍👤Having a mascot

⚜️Using logos

📸Using photography

🎤Using a tone of voice.

A good example Nikhil taught us on the session was about Michelin tires.

Michelin’s adorable puffy mascot “Bib” has enabled the brand to stand out of the crowd. The Bib generated positive publicity and created a distinct and memorable brand identity for Michelin that extended beyond its core product, allowing it to differentiate itself from competitors.

💞Differentiating your brand by associating with experiences and emotions

Brands that develop an emotional connection with their customers are often better positioned that those that provide a superior value.

Experiences can manifest in several ways such as ~

🍃Brand’s physical presence

🤩Exceptional customer service,

🎢Ease of use of their website,

🔥Experience of unboxing a product.

Let’s take an example of Coca-Cola, its iconic logo and associating it By emphasizing themes of happiness, togetherness, and celebration, Coca-Cola has successfully enabled a deep emotional connection with its audience, fostering a sense of community and shared experiences.

Differentiation is not about making something up. It’s about presenting what’s already in your product, in a way that others don’t.

We learned what to do, lets see how to actually build a brand now.

Using the “DRIP” framework

Nikhil used a case study of his company Even , to explain how they applied DRIP framework.

✅Even focused on building in a cluttered environment, targeting healthcare and education.

✅Used a “Members, not customers” approach to create a sense of belonging.

✅Use product explainers, engagement comms, laughter, association content, and education.

✅Humanizing the brand assets and have a clear purpose of what they do.

If you can’t outshout them, outsmart them — DIFFERENTIATE

Building a brand in this age can be little confusing, but now you know what to do and how to. Now go make your users say~

