Curating Customer Experiences for Your Start Up

Sradha Suresh
4 min readFeb 24, 2024


Often as a founder, you might have heard “walk in your customer’s shoes”. Knowing the point of view of the customer is critical for improving the product.

Recently @ WE Start, we Had Saneem from ClusterDev sharing his insights on customer experience enhancing for a startup.

So buckle up and lets dive deep into the insights!

💻What is Customer Experience ?

Big brain move???

Is it like you get them to use your product? or is it hand holding them while they use your product?

Actually its ALL OF IT!!

Customer comes to you, to try out your product. Initially they hear about your product, they may call you or check your website, download your app like that(this will depend on what product you have), use your product, find it useful and keep using it again. Customer Experience Management involves curating the whole experience from the initial hearing about YOUR product, to getting something of value for them.

During the session, Saneem pointed out the key areas that you have to focus on. Let’s go through each of them.

🍳Designing the User Experience for your Product

An expectation vs Reality between how you designed the product and Customer Uses it :D

When someone tries your product, the first impression is crucial. People notice even the smallest details, so it’s vital to ensure they feel comfortable using your product.

It is also super important that you closely work with your user and See what they do.

🧪User Testing

🔁 Iterate! Iterate! Iterate!🔁

After the designing we need to do user testing to actually understand how they experience your product. Experimenting to learn about user behavior is a very important in this step. Some ways you can do the same is by having scientific testing approach where you have control groups where you show these features and try to measure. Keep Iterating while you are at it!

🗣️Marketing Your Product

Word of mouth is your friend here.

If your product is really great, people will naturally tell others about it, which is the power of word of mouth.

It is super important that you understand who your customer is, their persona.

♻ Retention of Customers

Now that your customer has started using your product, it is important that they keep using your product. Which means you have to retain your customer. How do you do that?

Improving customer loyalty means making them happy with unexpected surprises, quick service, and easy ways to reach you. When you respond fast to their questions, it keeps them coming back.

🏄🏼Crisis Management

It is super important how you manage every instance. And yeah, don’t blame the customer, try to understand why they have a concern.

Managing crisis effectively is crucial for startup founders. By promptly addressing customer concerns with empathy and understanding, founders can build trust and loyalty. It’s also important to keep products adaptable and continuously gather feedback to improve both the product and crisis management strategies. And Just like that you thrive, one crisis at a time!


Spending too much on branding in the early stages may not be the best strategy, especially if your product isn’t widely relevant. Instead, focus on building a quality product that generates positive word-of-mouth from satisfied customers.

Once you’ve established a clear product-market fit and ready to scale, then consider investing in branding to increase awareness and reach a wider audience. Remember, the effectiveness of branding varies for different businesses, so prioritize wisely and don’t assume that spending more on branding will automatically attract new users.

The biggest takeaway that a founder can have from the session is,

As a founder, remember that perfection isn’t achievable on the first try; prioritize iteration and continuous improvement based on user feedback to build a successful product.

Wishing you smooth sailing through the seas of customer satisfaction, so keep on building, keep on iterating, and remember, even pirates had to refine their treasure maps! 😄🏴‍☠️

