Tough Times Create Tough Developers

Srajan Gupta
3 min readMay 14, 2020


I cannot agree more with the above story title.

It is really frustrating when error solving takes the whole of our day. Working on a project demands skills and experience in that domain, otherwise, we may end up building something, which people don’t like to use.

But in the end, one thing which we can be sure of is, that we learned something. Even though it took 24hrs to solve the issue, but we also added a skill to our own skills list. Right?

Who are we building products for? We build them for our beloved users. The people who are going to use them, the people who would be using something you built. Isn’t that amazing?

Even when I am writing this article, I am writing it because I love when people appreciate my work and for people who would like to read and listen to my personal experiences with software development.

How to give up on never giving up?

When solving a problem, think like you are doing something for your million users. It is just like serving your nation. Believe me, nothing can be more inspiring and motivating when we think we are doing something for a million people.

Take a break, if you’ve spent more than 5 hours solving the same problem and not getting any result.
But you will have to come back and get back to continue solving the problem.

One of my favorite teachers once told me that you only win when you fight till the end.

Believe me, it is never easy for anyone. Not even Elon Musk or Steve Jobs.

It is the one, who tries just one more time to make things work. Gives more force and acceleration towards his job, wins the game.

And if you make excuses, believe me truly that you cannot win the game by any chance.

You are a warrior, and warriors are meant to fight till their last breath. Not make excuses and simply give up.

And take my words seriously, if you give up on something, not only development but anything, you were never actually serious for it.

May one I am stretching it too much, but this is what is known as passion. When you are passionate about something, I am damn sure, that you are going to take your work very seriously.

What if I am never ever able to find a solution?

Yes, you can ask this. This can be understood, no problem. But can you tell me, how many hours have you given to solve the problem?

Have you tried 100 to 1000 times? Yes? Then, my friend, you haven’t tried enough. Can you try just 1001th more time? Can you add just 1 to the number of trials you have made or done? Please.

If you have the courage to try for just one more time, believe me, you are definitely going to get a solution this time.

What if I want to exchange my problem with that of someone else?

If you think that your task is difficult and you can change it with some other problem, yes you can do that. But do you think, you are going to get the same results you had wished earlier? Think about it.

The answer is NO.

You are not going to get the same results you had wished earlier. NEVER!!

It is not just about solving your problems, it is about taking over your responsibilities and doing what is required.

Do it with confidence and not your ego?

This is a bit tricky to understand, what this means.

Confidence is built with motivation whereas Ego is built with negativity. Motivation is built when we are determined and work hard whereas Ego is built when someone disrespects us and in return, we try to win over them just to show ourselves and regain our respect back. Both give us results but in the case of ego, we build negativity in ourselves and the results we get are not for the long term whereas, in case of confidence, we build a positive attitude and the results we get are for the long term.

With this, we come to an end of the story. I hope you will now give just one more chance before giving up on something you really want.

Thank you so much for giving it a read.

