Monty Excel
2 min readNov 27, 2023
SQL Challenge #8 for Data Analytics:

SQL Challenge #8 for Data Analytics:

Welcome to the SQL (Structured Query Language) series of challenges for data analytics!

In today's challenge, we'll delve into essential SQL queries and techniques pivotal for effective data analysis.
Each challenge in this series is meticulously crafted to improve your skills, preparing you for more intricate data analysis tasks.


Write a SQL query to find the highest salary in each department.

Let’s start with the SQL query for finding the highest salary in each department:

SELECT department, MAX(salary) AS highest_salary
FROM employees
GROUP BY department;

SELECT department, MAX(salary) AS highest_salary
FROM employees
GROUP BY department;


- In both MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL, the `GROUP BY` clause is used to group the results by department.
- The `MAX(salary)` function is then applied to find the highest salary within each department.

Now, let's consider any differences in MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL:

SELECT department, MAX(salary) AS highest_salary
FROM employees
GROUP BY department;

MySQL syntax is similar to MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL in this case.

2. Differences:
- SQL syntax is generally quite similar across these databases for basic queries.
- Differences might arise in more advanced features, indexing, and optimization strategies.

3. Engaging Conclusion:
Mastering SQL across different database systems opens doors to a broader range of job opportunities and project possibilities. While the basic querying remains consistent, nuances in syntax and advanced features highlight the importance of understanding the specifics of each database platform.

Stay curious and ready for more challenges in your SQL journey!

Monty Excel

Monty Excel: Data Analytics. With a knack for unraveling insights, I excel in navigating the data universe. Ask me anything about data analytics.