Hello world!

Santiago Rodríguez B.
3 min readApr 16, 2020


My first love as an entrepreneur: Paqua

In the past few years, I’ve had the opportunity to work in three startups. I co-founded the first one, Paqua; then I worked as User Experience Manager for Aflore (a Polymath venture); and lastly, I worked as the General Manager for Rose Global. During my time in these companies, I learned some things about myself: For starters, I long for the process of creating new business ideas. Additionally, I enjoyed my experiences leading teams, mostly because I got to roll up my sleeves and build things with them. Lastly, I fell in love with digital products because of their adaptability to new situations and the opportunity to collaborate globally with other people.

Aside from these insights, I stumbled upon Ricardo Semler’s The seven day weekend. This book got me thinking about how to transform business culture and I started questioning the idea of growth as the main purpose of a business.

Furthermore, I also read Lost Connections by Johann Hari and Company of One by Paul Jarvis. It was then that I knew I had to change directions.

So, I quit Rose Global.

So what now?

I’m starting a new endeavor: learning to code. My main motivation is that I want to be able to build amazing digital products, work at my own pace and remotely from wherever I am.

Coding has sparked a passion in me that makes me want to learn more about algorithms because of the logic behind them. As Yuval Noah Nahari affirms in his Twenty One Lessons For The Twenty-First Century, algorithms are here to stay and I want to be part of them.

Finally, I want to improve my quality of life. I want to prioritize my time with my wife, family, and friends over my work. Remote work might be the answer to optimize my time and take advantage of it with those who are close to me.

How will I learn:

Starting in April 2020, I will spend 12 months learning to code. April is just a warmup month. I’ve started a short coding Bootcamp from Angela Yu at Udemy. Lastly, I’ve started working on a new idea with some friends.

On April 27th, I am joining the Microverse program. This program will last between 6–8 months and will give me the basics in terms of web development.

These are the languages I intend to learn:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap -> Material afterward.
  • Node.js and Express
  • Ruby and ruby on rails
  • React
  • Mongodb

Why am I posting this?

Covid 19 is greatly changing the way the world works and how we live our day to day lives. My anxiety has risen and that can sabotage my discipline. Therefore, I want to post my objectives and motivations as well as my progress so I can be held accountable to those who are reading this. This will help me stay focused on what I need to accomplish.

Likewise, as I’m starting something new, I want to share my journey and, in the process, perhaps I can meet new people that can teach me new things and new ways to see the world.

If you’re reading this, thank you so much for taking the time to do so and support me during my journey. I’ll keep you updated.

Until next time, stay safe.

(Next post: Google it)

