Online Voting System using Blockchain

Sameer Barot
1 min readNov 4, 2022


Here me Sameer Barot and Shreyansh Bhagat made project Online Voting System using Blockchain .

About the Project

Online voting systems are software platforms used to securely conduct votes and elections. As a digital platform, they eliminate the need to cast your votes using paper or having to gather in person. They also protect the integrity of your vote by preventing voters from being able to vote multiple times. Here we propose a blockchain-based voting system that will limit the voting fraud and make the voting process simple, secure and efficient.

Why Blockchain?

  • The blockchain is an emerging, decentralized, and distributed technology with strong cryptographic foundations that promises to improve different aspects of many industries.
  • Blockchain can help to implement a system that is immutable, transparent, and efficient and cannot be hacked.
  • The inability to change or delete information from blocks makes the blockchain the most effective technology for voting systems.
  • Expanding e-voting into blockchain technology could be the solution to alleviate the present concerns in e-voting.

Technology used

Frontend : React JS

Backend : Ethereum Blockchain

IDE : Visual Studio Code

Final Application : Web application


Admin can add voters and candidate

Admin can start and end election

Valid Voter can cast their vote only once

After the end of election voter can see votes


A blockchain-based electronic voting system that utilizes smart contracts to enable secure and cost-efficient election while guaranteeing voters privacy.

