🚀DevOps Zero to Hero —💡 Day 4: Configuration Management🛠

Sreekanth Thummala
5 min readAug 14, 2023


In the fast-changing world of software development today, managing how infrastructure and applications are set up is really important. We need ways to easily make sure everything is set up the right way, can grow as needed, and can be easily kept track of. This is where tools like Ansible, Chef, and Puppet come in. In this article, we’ll look at these tools and explore how they can help you work better with your infrastructure and software.

What is Configuration Management?

Configuration management is all about taking care of how software, hardware, and computer networks are set up and maintained in a way that makes sense. It’s like making sure all the pieces of a puzzle fit together correctly, which helps prevent mistakes and makes everything work smoothly. Configuration management tools are like helpers that automate this process, so you don’t have to do everything by hand.

Let’s talk about Ansible, Chef, and Puppet in relation to a project!

Project: Deploying a Web Application
Imagine you are working on a project to deploy a web application on multiple servers. The application requires specific configurations and dependencies to run correctly. You want to ensure that all servers have the same configuration and that any changes or updates are applied consistently across the entire infrastructure.

Here’s how each of these tools can help with that:

Ansible is an open-source automation tool that uses SSH protocol to communicate with servers.

  1. You can create an Ansible playbook, which is a YAML file that describes the desired state of the servers.
  2. The playbook can include tasks to install dependencies, configure network settings, deploy the application code, and perform other necessary operations.
  3. Ansible can execute these tasks on multiple servers simultaneously, ensuring consistent configuration and reducing manual effort.
  4. In real-time, you can trigger the playbook to execute and apply any updates or changes across all servers instantly.

Ansible playbook example (deploy_app.yml):

- name: Deploy Web Application
hosts: webservers
- name: Install dependencies
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
- package1
- package2

- name: Configure network settings
src: templates/network.conf.j2
dest: /etc/network.conf
- name: Deploy application code
src: app_code/
dest: /var/www/app/
- name: Restart web server
name: webserver
state: restarted

To execute the playbook:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini deploy_app.yml


  1. Chef is a configuration management tool that follows a declarative approach to define the desired state of servers.
  2. In Chef, you define recipes that specify how each server should be configured.
  3. Recipes are written using a Ruby-based DSL (domain-specific language).
  4. Chef uses a client-server architecture where a Chef server manages the configuration details and distributes them to client nodes.
  5. In real-time, you can update the recipes on the Chef server, and the clients will fetch and apply those changes automatically.

Chef recipe example (default.rb):

package 'package1' do
action :install
package 'package2' do
action :install
template '/etc/network.conf' do
source 'network.conf.erb'
# Variables for network configuration
directory '/var/www/app/' do
recursive true
cookbook_file '/var/www/app/index.html' do
source 'index.html'
mode '0644'
service 'webserver' do
action :restart

To apply the recipe:

chef-client --local-mode default.rb


  1. Puppet is another popular configuration management tool that uses a declarative language to define system configurations.
  2. With Puppet, you define manifests that describe the desired state of servers.
  3. The Puppet agent runs on each server and communicates with a Puppet master server.
  4. The Puppet master server stores the manifests and distributes them to the agent nodes for configuration enforcement.
  5. In real-time, you can update the manifests on the Puppet master server, and the agents will retrieve and apply those changes promptly.

Puppet manifest example (init.pp):

package { 'package1':
ensure => 'installed',
package { 'package2':
ensure => 'installed',
file { '/etc/network.conf':
content => template('module/network.conf.erb'),
file { '/var/www/app/':
ensure => 'directory',
file { '/var/www/app/index.html':
source => 'puppet:///modules/module/index.html',
mode => '0644',
service { 'webserver':
ensure => 'running',
enable => true,
require => [Package['package1'], Package['package2'], File['/etc/network.conf'], File['/var/www/app/index.html']],

To apply the manifest:

puppet apply init.pp

In all three cases, these configuration management tools help maintain consistency, reduce manual effort, and enable real-time updates and deployments across the infrastructure. They provide a centralized and automated approach to manage configurations, making it easier to scale and maintain complex systems!!!!

What’s Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a fancy way of saying that we can manage how computers are set up by writing code, just like we do for software. Instead of making changes by hand, we can use code to make sure everything is set up correctly. This is super helpful because it lets us keep track of changes, work together more easily, and do things automatically. The tools we talked about earlier play a big role in doing this.

Using Ansible for IaC:
- Ansible is great for doing Infrastructure as Code.
- You can write down how you want infrastructure to be set up in something called a playbook, which is written in a simple format.
- A playbook is like a recipe for servers.
- For example, if you want to put a web server on multiple servers, you’d write a playbook that says how to do that.
- When you run this playbook, Ansible takes care of setting up the web servers on all the computers you specified.

Managing Infrastructure and Configuration:
- Ansible, Chef, and Puppet make it easy to manage both servers and the software they run.
- They can apply settings consistently, which means things stay the same across all servers.
- They’re smart enough to avoid making the same changes again and again, so you don’t accidentally mess things up.
- When you write down settings as code, you can keep track of changes, go back to old versions, and apply the same settings in different places without a hassle.

Wrapping Up:
Configuration management tools such as Ansible, Chef, and Puppet are essential for efficiently managing infrastructure and application configurations. They bring automation, consistency, and scalability to the management process. Embracing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles allows teams to treat infrastructure configurations like software, facilitating collaboration, version control, and automated deployments. By leveraging these tools, you can streamline your development workflow and focus more on delivering high-quality software.

Stay tuned for Day 5: Continuous Deployment (CD)!!! Remember to check back tomorrow for the next installment in our 30-day DevOps course. Happy learning!!!

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Sreekanth Thummala

🚀DevOps & Multi-Cloud Architect ☁| 👨‍💻 16+ yrs of Exp in IT 💻| Azure & AWS Cloud Consultant | Linux Guru | 4x Azure Certified | Mentor & Collaborator 👥