A Life Goal I Wish To Achieve: 30 Day Writing Challenge — Day 3

2 min readJul 5, 2024


Photo by Author

What is life without goals and aspirations? In life, it may seem like the goal post is always moving further away; as we cross things off of our Wishlist, we keep adding more and more.

My goals in life have always been simple. Graduate, hold an average job with an average pay, free of stress, and be able to travel and see the world.

Have I always been like this? Definitely not. There was a time when I dreamed big — inventing stuff, being a business owner, or writing a novel.

As I joined my first job and got my taste of corporate culture and work life, I realized that everything comes with a price. Suddenly, that lucrative job or heading a company seemed less and less happier.

We spend a minimum of 8 hours a day working. That is 1/3rd of our day, and most often, it is a lot more than that. You spend 50–60 years of your life working to save for the remaining 10–20 years, for a time that is not even guaranteed to exist.

Maybe life is not all about building a career or a family. Maybe life is about dreaming, and making those dreams come true. And not all dreams have to be about getting that degree, or landing that job, or seeing your grandchildren frolic across the lush garden.

Maybe your dreams could be a relaxing morning watching the sunset from your balcony, a serene sunset with a mug of coffee in your hands, riding the waves with dolphins by your side, or watching the clouds with a book in your hand, wondering if that’s where heaven lies.

Nothing is too small to be a dream, and nothing is too big.

So, my goal is to enjoy the smaller moments, keep dreaming, and making those dreams a reality one day.

