Major difference between React js and React Native

Sree Radha P Nair
1 min readJan 13, 2020

What is React js

ReactJS is often referred to as JavaScript library for creating user-interface for large web applications. It’s mainly created and largely maintained by Facebook, this open-source library is especially useful for creating dynamic web pages that process data in real-time and can display the changes without needing to reload- like the Facebook/Instagram feed. It provides support for both frontend and server-side.

What is React Native

React Native, on the other hand, is a framework consisting of native libraries for creating mobile applications. The libraries, released in 2015 by Facebook, can be used to develop applications for all platforms where the React Native code complies into native mobile app components.

In React JS, React is the base abstraction of React DOM for the web platform, while with React Native, React is still the base abstraction but of React Native. So the syntax and workflow remain similar, but the components are different.


ReactJS is for web development and React Native for mobile app development.

