Story of a fir tree outside my house
This is the story of a Fir tree outside my house, it is the view I have from my window. A fir tree doesn’t obey the rules of Fall season. It stays green no matter what the season is. Because it has needles in the name of leaves and needles do not “fall”. Leaves do. So it stood strong every season every year. Summer, spring, fall, winter. Holding beautiful white snow flakes on it during every Christmas season.
One winter, there was a snow storm. A bad one. The tree stood its ground. An ice storm with frozen showers followed. That brought down the tree spirits a little. But it still stood strong.
The next morning there was sun ☀️ The ice on the branches started melting. There was hope. The melted water started dripping from the needles, watering the roots. There was hope.
That night, there was another snow storm 🌨 It brought the temperatures down like never before. All the water bodies started freezing, so did the melting drops on the tree. In the morning, the tree was completely frozen. So did the water that reached the roots. The tree remained frozen for the next 4 days. The ice on the branches started getting heavier, slowly bending the branches towards ground…