Benefits of Opening or Joining Crowdfunding Projects in ‘Fund Your Self Now’

Sri Wahyu
3 min readMay 23, 2017


If you haven’t tried using blockchain based crowdfunding platform to fund your project, this is the right time to start. Blockchain crowdfunding will enable you to meet investors from all around the world so that the chance of success is even higher and you can get your project in the map in no time.

If you are thinking of trying to use this type of crowdfunding platform, Fund Your Self Now is a good way to start. The best thing about this platform is the fact that it is not only beneficial for the project starters, but also other parties involved in the project such as the backers and the expert helpers. Here are the benefits this crowdfunding platform can offer to all participants.

For Project Starters

The project starters of course will become the party that gets the most benefit out of the crowdfunding. The best thing about Fund Your Self Now ( FYN ) is the fact that it has plenty of features that can attract investors so crowdfunding process will be successful.

One of them is a room for the project starters to create tokens that can be used as customized reward for the project backers and helpers. When reward is involved, the project definitely will be more appealing. Furthermore, the environment of the platform is designed to be very simple. This way, all project starters can use the features even when they don’t have any technical knowledge.

For Backers

Actually, there are a lot of investors out there that will always be interested to fund a startup project. Unfortunately, the lack of accountability provided by the crowdfunding platform often hinders those investors from investing their money.

Fund Your Self Now is different with other crowdfunding platform out there. Every transaction will be recorded in Ethereum’s smart contract so there is no room for cheating. Furthermore, just in case the project falls short, the backers definitely will not lose their money. They will be notified of the condition of the project and will be offered two options. The investor can get their money back directly, or if they are still interested with the project, they can choose to delay the payment until the project starts again in the future.

For Helpers

Fund Your Self Now offers an opportunity for experts in many aspects to contribute their skills in a project. Expert advice definitely will help the project starters and as a sign of appreciation, the project starters will reward the helpers with FYN tokens.

