Lunyr Can Be a Better Alternative for Wikipedia

Sri Wahyu
3 min readMar 23, 2017


Lunyr is a new crowdsale project with primary aim to offer a more accurate peer-reviewed alternative for online encyclopedias like Wikipedia. For years, Wikipedia has always been dubbed as one of the biggest achievements internet can make. Offering free unbiased information to readers, Wikipedia has become an online hub for people seeking new knowledge.

Wikipedia, however, is not perfect. There is a significant degree of inaccuracies in its articles, especially because Wikipedia lacks professional peer reviewing system that is an essential element of every scientific endeavor. Every submitted article is indeed constantly reviewed and edited by other Wikipedia users, but the way the reviewing process is done doesn’t meet the minimum requirement of professional academic-level peer reviewing system. Lunyr is designed to fill the essential gap Wikipedia has left.

Lunyr guarantees the accuracy of its article because it involves real financial transaction in its system. One of the core features of Wikipedia is that its system is completely money-less. It even stays committed to make its pages free from ads to make sure that its articles are unbiased. Unfortunately, professional peer-reviewing system is not free. If you are aware of how peer-reviewed scientific journals are rarely free to access or to read, you should know why academic peer-reviewing cannot be accomplished without cost. For years, Wikipedia has been facing a dilemma while trying to provide a completely free encyclopedia but unable to attract peer reviewers among academicians with its non-profitable system.

Lunyr attempts to close this gap with little to no side effect. Lunyr does so by creating a purely decentralized environment in which contributors can contribute new articles or review already submitted articles to earn Lunyr tokens or LUN. Contributors are more encouraged to do so because there is a real financial transaction involving LUN as currency. LUN is essential as it advertisers rely on it to bid on ad space. Although this system involves ads, bias and monopolies can be reduced or even eliminated because contributors can submit proposals and vote on them whenever they see anything disputable in this system. Lunyr offers a solid dispute and resolution system that ensures the quality, accuracy and reliability of its platform.

Another advantage of using a purely decentralized system is that censorship will not be a concern anymore. This is another problem that plagues online encyclopedias like Wikipedia. While ensuring accuracy and reliability, Lunyr also guarantees that with its decentralized system, no single central authority in the system that has ultimate power of censor.

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Author: wahyu5

