Sridhar Rajendran - Sleep Coach
Sridhar Rajendran - Sleep Coach

I help people with insomnia get a good night’s sleep without any medications.


Have you been struggling to sleep well? You have tried meditation, yoga, supplements, herbal teas and even took a vacation but nothing seems to help! Well, that’s because these are band-aid fixes to a deep-rooted issue. And that's what I like to focus on. Book your free strategy call and let's discuss in detail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A little bit about me: In 2021, I had a Mental Health Crisis. 😞 I was unable to sleep for 48 hours straight. And that drove me to see a psychiatrist for the first time. I started taking Anti-Depressants and also did Talk Therapy to find the cause of insomnia. While it did help initially, the effect wore off once I stopped the medications. That pivotal incident kick-started my journey in understanding mental health. 🧠 And training in Hypnotherapy and Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). Now I spend my days helping folks with my therapy and coaching :)

Sridhar Rajendran - Sleep Coach

Sridhar Rajendran - Sleep Coach


I help people with insomnia get a good night’s sleep without any medications | Hypnotherapy | Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)