Demystifying the Builder Design Pattern: A Step-by-Step Guide — Part 3

Leveraging Facets with the Builder Design Pattern

Sriganesh Lokesh
4 min readAug 27, 2023
different layers of a mechanical keyboard by Das Keyboard

Welcome back, fellow developers! In our previous blog post, we embarked on a journey into the world of the Builder design pattern in golang. Together, we explored the fundamental principles of this pattern while building a mechanical keyboard — a project that showcased the pattern’s basic implementation.

But the story doesn’t end there. Today, we’re diving even deeper into the fascinating realm of the Builder design pattern. If you recall, we introduced you to the concept of Fluent Interfaces, where we started to see the elegance and flexibility this pattern brings to our code. Today, we will take it up a notch and introduce you to another advanced facet (pun intended) of this pattern: Facets!

So, fasten your seatbelts, because in this blog, we’re about to unravel the magic of the Builder design pattern with Facets. Prepare to discover how this advanced technique can streamline your code, enhance maintainability, and make your development process a breeze.

We will use the same example of building a mechanical keyboard where we have a Keyboard struct that contains various properties that are required to build a full fledged mechanical keyboard.

