Explore the Ancient City of Polonnaruwa

Srilanka Tourism
6 min readNov 4, 2019

Polonnaruwa is an old city in Sri Lanka and structures some portion of the “Social Triangle” alongside Sigiriya, Anuradhapura, Kandy and Dambulla. It filled in as the capital city for about 2 centuries between the eleventh and thirteenth hundreds of years AD and is a mind blowing day trip goal in Sri Lanka. During its time as a capital, Polonnaruwa was managed by the Kings Vijayabahu I, Parakramabahu the Great and Nissanka Malla — each of the 3 of these rulers committed themselves to cultivating farming, religion and social advancement and the realm flourished under their rule during this time.

Much like the antiquated city of Angkor in Cambodia, having the option to walk generally openly through the vestiges, sanctuaries and hallowed places is a mind boggling approach to take throughout the entire existence of the nation and envision what it probably been similar to in its prime.

In the event that you are arranging a visit to Sigiriya Rock Fortress, at that point you should wander over to Polonnaruwa to investigate the old remains. Peruse on for what you have to know before you visit and the top things to find in the antiquated city of Polonnaruwa!

What you have to know before visiting Polonnaruwa

The most effective method to get to Polonnaruwa

To get to Polonnaruwa I would suggest that you base yourself in Sigiriya: thusly, you can climb the mammoth shake stronghold, visit the Dambulla Cave Temple and go on a safari in Minneriya or Kaudulla National Parks. Sigiriya is a 3-hour drive away from Colombo, and Polonnaruwa is just an hour from Sigiriya via vehicle.

Instructions to get around Polonnaruwa

It gets super hot in this piece of Sri Lanka, so I would not prescribe strolling in the event that you need to cover the top spots to visit in Polonnaruwa. The most ideal approach to see the old city, particularly on the off chance that you just have 1 day to see everything, is via (cooled) vehicle. On the off chance that you are on a spending limit, you can lease bikes to get from site to site. Google Maps is genuinely exact with regards to the individual sights, or you can get a guide from the ticket office.

How much time to spend at Polonnaruwa

The city of Polonnaruwa contained a fortification (downtown) and an external city. The stronghold had 2 kinds of structures — the lord’s royal residence/illustrious court just as organization structures. The external city contains strict sanctuaries, with the fundamental place of worship being the Sacred Quadrangle.

The landmarks inside the antiquated city are moved in one zone, and it is genuinely simple to see the principle locates inside 1 day, particularly in the event that you have a vehicle. The principle sights are dissipated along a single direction street. We landed at the ticket office at roughly 10 am and were finished by 3 pm. The site opens from 9 am to 6 pm consistently.

There aren’t any eateries inside the complex so I would prescribe having a healthy breakfast and carrying a light tidbit or water with you.

Section expenses for Polonnaruwa

A grown-up ticket costs 25 USD or 3850 LKR, and tickets for youngsters cost precisely 50% of that.

What to wear when visiting Polonnaruwa

Polonnaruwa contains strict hallowed places and landmarks, so it’s essential to dress fittingly. Shoulders and knees ought to be secured (people), and you should take your shoes off to enter the places of worship so bring shoes that are anything but difficult to slip on and off. In light of the climate in the territory, the ground gets steaming hot, so bring a few socks along so you don’t consume your feet.

What to see in Polonnaruwa

There are a mind blowing number of landmarks all arranged near each other. This is the request where I would prescribe you visiting them in to take advantage of your time in the antiquated city. I’ve recorded the landmarks as they are named on the official guide from the Central Cultural Fund, however on the off chance that you are utilizing Google Maps a few landmarks might be spelled marginally in an unexpected way: for instance, Rankot Vehera is “Rankoth Vihara” on Google Maps — yet don’t stress, they’re a similar spot. The following is a Google Map of the various landmarks, or you can click here for a photograph of the official guide from the Central Cultural Fund. Peruse on for spots to visit in Polonnaruwa that you can’t miss!

Start at the Archeological Museum/Ticket Office

Before you enter the archeological site you should buy your ticket from the ticket office. In a similar structure you will likewise locate the Archeological Museum where you can find out about the history and uncovering of Polonnaruwa. While you’re here, utilize the washroom as they’re not unreasonably simple to discover inside the mind boggling itself.

Outside the ticket office there are numerous aides that you can enlist on the off chance that you’d like somebody to show you around the antiquated city and talk you through the history, however when we were drawn closer by the aides they were all incredibly pushy, so we ruled against it and set out to find out about the history ourselves.

Regal Palace, Citadel and Kumara Pokuna

Accepted to once have been an exceptionally enormous structure (seven-stories high), just the establishments survive from the Royal Palace. The red block dividers of the royal residence are as yet standing and when you stroll in you see what is believed to be the group of spectators corridor. In its prime it is thought to have contain sovereign chambers, official quarters, stops and showers. The Kumara Pokuna is a case of an illustrious shower made totally of stone.

Rankot Vehara

Rankot Vehara is an enormous darker shaded stupa and pursues the structural style of the city of Anuradhapura. There is a stone pathway that prompts the stupa and passages that open at the cardinal focuses. It is 1 of 2 fundamental stupas inside the Polonnaruwa complex.

Polonnaruwa or Anuradhapura?

I’m regularly asked whether it merits visiting both Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura. From a coordinations stance, Polonnaruwa is in an increasingly helpful area as you can likewise visit Sigiriya, the Dambulla Caves and Minneriya or Kaudulla National Parks, while Anuradhapura is found somewhat off the beaten path. The tourist spots and locales in Polonnaruwa are likewise found all the more firmly together, which makes them simpler to visit; conversely, Anuradhapura is a rambling old city and it requires more exertion and time to get around.

Both Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura are wealthy ever, however Polonnaruwa, as I would like to think, offers more signage with data about what you’re taking a gander at. A large portion of the spots in Anuradhapura don’t offer much by method for data, and most of the signs are written in Sinhalese. It likewise creates the impression that the remains of Polonnaruwa are in somewhat preferable condition over those in Anuradhapura. You can peruse increasingly about Anuradhapura by clicking here.

That being stated, there is a sure power noticeable all around at Anuradhapura that you probably won’t discover in Polonnaruwa. There are a great many Buddhist enthusiasts who love at the different sanctuaries in Anuradhapura, and it offers a look into the criticalness and significance of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. On the off chance that you have over about fourteen days in Sri Lanka, you should look at both of these antiquated urban areas; in any case, on the off chance that you are lacking in time, at that point I would prescribe adhering to Polonnaruwa.

The vestiges of Polonnaruwa are in astounding condition, and the Sri Lankan government’s Central Cultural Fund has made a magnificent showing of safeguarding the engineering and legacy. As I would see it is similarly as mind blowing as Sigiriya, and is an absolute necessity visit goal on the off chance that you are investing energy in Sri Lanka’s Central Province. Have you visited Polonnaruwa? What’s your opinion of the antiquated city?

