A quick comparison of AWS, Google and Azure learning and certifications

Srinivas Abhinav Raj
5 min readAug 2, 2023


Comparison of learnings and certifications across the three main CSPs

With the increased adoption of Cloud computing in the last few years, content from the major Cloud Service Providers or CSPs has become ubiquitous in the software engineering world. Software technologists globally are looking to to understand offerings from the key CSPs namely Google, AWS (Amazon) and Azure (Microsoft). The CSPs are taking the lead in molding cutting edge technology offerings with their cloud services as most organizations are opting to shift to the Cloud (private and public) especially after the impact of Covid lockdowns on industry.

For the discerning seeker, there is a lot of content available online to keep up with the latest offerings of the CSPs including learning material, badges and certifications. My own journey so far has included clearing the base level certifications /trainings from the three CSPs — AWS Cloud Practitioner and Google Cloud Digital Leader certifications, and completing the Microsoft Azure fundamentals (AZ — 900) training which were all sponsored by my organization Wipro technologies Ltd.

What I noticed in my journey was that in terms of clearly understanding the concepts, Google’s base level certification or Google Cloud Digital Leader had excellent context with examples and use cases on the value of migrating to the cloud. While it does focus on Google’s cloud services, the content helps learners understand the cloud as an offering, as against traditional on premise technologies very well. AWS on the other hand has a very high focus on its cloud service offerings in its learning paths and certification content along the business benefits from migration. AWS’s approach to its cloud services has been to break down its services into as much of a microservice level as possible (which they keep adding to every day), as a result of which users on the AWS learning path need to understand the thin line between several AWS service offerings very well. Microsoft again in keeping with its legacy offers a great foundation on cloud migration to those on their learning path, and delves into each of its services in detail. Google and Microsoft have been in the on premise business for longer than AWS with their software offerings, and are late entrants when compared to AWS to the cloud. AWS and Microsoft have more cloud service offerings when compared to Google. So the learner must keep these aspects in mind while starting on the learning path. AWS and Microsoft learning paths and certifications tend to be more detailed and the sheer number of services and the differences between them will need a lot of time and attention to grasp and digest.

From a migration perspective Microsoft Azure is the natural choice for organizations already using Microsoft services, while AWS and Google are natural choices otherwise, based on cost, service availability, integrations with their existing software and other considerations.

Generative AI ( Gen AI) as a buzzword in the recent past has caught everyone’s imagination including laymen to this world especially after Microsoft’s release of Chat GPT. I completed a couple of Badges for Generative AI from AWS and Google. Here too Google true to its legacy, explains the concepts very well with examples. For example Google’s introductory course on Generative AI would start by giving a layman context to understand what AI is and where Generative AI fits in the larger scope of things within AI. Then Google offers other courses that go into a lot of depth into its Gen AI offerings, models and the responsible use of Gen AI. AWS in keeping with its other learning offerings, tries to divide its courses for Generative AI too by audience i.e. Business and Technical users. Its Business course badge offers a very quick introduction to Gen AI and AWS offerings for Gen AI. Microsoft on the other hand again focuses its courses on its Open AI offering and responsible use of AI.

In my role currently I focus on leading AWS solution engineering and hence try and complete learning courses and badges with AWS. However I do look at Google courses to understand the concepts better and Azure from a competitor angle too.

In summary I have tried to articulate the high level differences in approach to learning that I encountered in my journey with the three CSPs which could hopefully be useful to even laymen trying to see what trainings could be beneficial to them. Since there is so much content out there, keeping focus and prioritizing what could be of use to you with efficient time management will be the key to enhancing your learning.

For a detailed comparison of the certifications offered across the three CSPs this blog was useful.

Here’s my LinkedIn profile : Srinivas Abhinav Raj


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Srinivas Abhinav Raj

AWS Solutions Engineering lead, Fullstride GBL @Wipro Technologies Ltd.