“To Be or Not To Be”

Srinvasan Venkatraman
2 min readMay 2, 2023


“To Be or Not to Be” is a famous phrase from Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, and it is also a question that has been pondered by philosophers, theologians, and ordinary people throughout history. In recent times, this question has taken on new meaning in light of the current wave of transformation that is sweeping through our universe.

The universe is constantly changing, and we are a part of that change. However, the current wave of transformation is different from any that we have seen before. It is not just about changes in technology, or changes in the environment, or changes in the way we live our lives. It is about a fundamental shift in consciousness, a shift in the way we think about ourselves and our place in the universe.

This shift is driven by a growing awareness of our interconnectedness, our interdependence, and our responsibility for the well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants. It is also driven by a recognition of the limitations of our current ways of thinking and the need for new ways of understanding the world.

To be or not to be is no longer just a question of individual survival or success. It is a question of whether we can collectively rise to the challenge of this new wave of transformation and create a world that is more just, more sustainable, and more fulfilling for all.

To be, in this new context, means to be fully present, fully engaged, and fully committed to the task of co-creating a better world. It means recognizing that our individual choices and actions have an impact on the collective and that we have a responsibility to use our power and privilege to make a positive difference.

Not to be, on the other hand, means to remain stuck in old ways of thinking, to cling to outdated ideologies and beliefs, and resisting the changes that are necessary for our survival and flourishing as a species.

The choice is ours, individually and collectively. Will we embrace this new wave of transformation and commit ourselves to creating a better world? Or will we remain mired in the old ways of thinking and risk our own destruction and that of the planet?

To be or not to be is no longer just a philosophical or existential question. It is a question that has real-world consequences for all of us. The time to choose is now.

Originally published at https://venguinfoblog.blogspot.com on May 2, 2023.

