Prof. C.R. Rao: A Luminous Mind in Mathematics and Statistics.

Srinivasa Raghava K
8 min readAug 24, 2023


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In an era where data drives decisions, and mathematical models shape our understanding of the world, Prof. C. R. Rao’s work continues to be a guiding light. His legacy is a vivid illustration of how mathematical thinking can transcend boundaries, foster innovation, and illuminate the path for future scholars.


Prof. Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao, a name synonymous with brilliance in mathematics and statistics, passed away just days ago, leaving behind a legacy that will continue to inspire generations. Widely known as C.R. Rao, his monumental contributions to the fields of statistics and mathematics have not only shaped the academic landscape but also found practical applications in various domains. As the world mourns the loss of this luminary, it is an apt moment to reflect on his life, work, and enduring influence. This article explores the rich tapestry of Prof. C.R. Rao’s journey, offering insights into his innovative thinking, ground-breaking research, and the profound impact he made on the mathematical and statistical communities. His ideas continue to resonate, and his spirit lives on through the many scholars and practitioners he inspired.

Early Life and Educational Journey

Born in the town of Hadagali in the Bellary district of Karnataka, India, on September 10, 1920, C.R. Rao showed early signs of mathematical talent. His family’s encouragement and the stimulating educational environment nurtured his abilities.


During his schooling years, Rao’s fascination with numbers and mathematical concepts became apparent. His teachers quickly recognized his potential and provided him with advanced materials to challenge and cultivate his mind. The foundations of his future achievements were laid during these formative years.

University Education

Rao continued to excel in mathematics as he pursued higher education. He obtained a Master’s degree in mathematics from Andhra University, graduating with honors. The robust curriculum and the inspiring faculty further fueled his passion for the subject.

A Second Master’s Degree in Statistics

Driven by an insatiable curiosity and recognizing the burgeoning field of statistics, Rao decided to obtain another Master’s degree in statistics from Calcutta University. This decision marked a turning point in his career, aligning him with the field that would become the cornerstone of his legacy.

Doctoral Studies under R. A. Fisher

The opportunity to study at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Sir Ronald A. Fisher, one of the founding fathers of modern statistics, was a pivotal moment in Rao’s academic journey. Under Fisher’s mentorship, Rao developed groundbreaking statistical theories that would later become essential elements in the field. His doctoral thesis laid the groundwork for several key concepts that he would refine and expand throughout his illustrious career.

Academic Influence and Mentors

Throughout his educational journey, Rao was influenced by various mentors and scholars who recognized and nurtured his talent. These early interactions shaped his thinking and guided his research interests, setting the stage for his future contributions.

Prof. C.R. Rao’s early life and educational journey were characterized by relentless curiosity, exceptional talent, and the influence of inspiring mentors. His transition from a young math enthusiast to a budding statistician was marked by critical decisions and opportunities that aligned perfectly with his abilities and interests. This rich educational foundation laid the groundwork for a career filled with innovation, discovery, and lasting impact on the fields of mathematics and statistics. His story stands as an inspiring testament to the power of education, guidance, and personal determination.

Pioneering Contributions

Prof. C.R. Rao’s contributions to mathematics and statistics are vast and diverse. His innovative ideas have shaped modern statistical theory and practice. Below, we explore some of his most significant works:

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His contributions encompass a wide array of inventive ideas, detailed mathematical examination, and significant outcomes. His works have proven to be enduring, forming the foundation for many statistical methods and theories used today. By combining theoretical mathematical concepts with hands-on problem-solving, he has provided ongoing inspiration to researchers all around the world. His reputation as a leading figure in mathematics and statistics is well-recognized, and his work continues to guide and influence new generations of scholars.

Applications of His Work

Statistical Theory and Practice:

Rao’s pioneering work in estimation theory, multivariate analysis, and linear models has become foundational in modern statistics. It’s applied across diverse fields, from economics and biology to engineering and social sciences.

Technology and Industry:

His mathematical insights find applications in technology, particularly in areas like signal processing, data analysis, and machine learning. Industries ranging from telecommunications to healthcare leverage his principles for better decision-making.

Government and Policy Making:

Rao’s advisory roles with international bodies and governments reflect the real-world applications of his statistical methodologies. His work has informed policies in areas like population studies, environmental regulation, and economic planning.

Education and Research:

His writings, teachings, and mentorship have nurtured generations of mathematicians and statisticians. His influence on educational institutions has helped shape curricula and research agendas.

Impact Created

Shaping Modern Statistics:

Rao’s theoretical innovations have reshaped statistical thinking, providing tools and concepts that continue to be central to the field.

Fostering International Collaboration:

His work transcended geographical boundaries, fostering collaboration and dialogue among researchers globally.

Literary Legacy: Books Authored by Prof. C.R. Rao

Prof. C.R. Rao has authored and co-authored several important books and monographs in the field of statistics and mathematics. Here’s a list of some of his notable works:

1. ”Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications” (1973) — This classic text covers a wide array of topics in statistical theory and has been influential for statisticians and researchers.

2. ”Statistics and Truth: Putting Chance to Work” (1997) — This book provides insights into the role of statistics in various fields, making it accessible to a broader audience.

3. ”Multivariate Statistical Methods: A First Course” (2019) — A comprehensive guide to multivariate statistical methods, suitable for students and practitioners alike.

4. ”Generalized Inverse of Matrices and its Applications” (1971) — Co-authored with Sujit Kumar Mitra, this book covers the generalized inverses of matrices and their wide-ranging applications.

5. ”Analysis of Variance for Functional Data” (2014) — This work delves into the analysis of variance (ANOVA) for functional data, an important topic in modern statistics.

6. ”Handbook of Statistics” — Prof. Rao served as an editor for several volumes of this extensive series, contributing to the development and dissemination of statistical methods and applications.

7. ”Recovery of Inter-block Information when Block Sizes are Unequal” (1972) — A specialized monograph co-authored with Helge Toutenburg.

These works collectively showcase Prof. C.R. Rao’s deep expertise and his ability to bridge the gap between theory and practice. His writings have served as essential resources for students, academics, and professionals in statistics and related fields, reflecting his lasting impact on the discipline.

Legacy and Honors

Prof. C.R. Rao’s influence extends far beyond his academic contributions, shaping both the world of mathematics and the broader scientific community. His legacy is multifaceted and enduring:

1. Institutional Contributions

Research and Training School, Indian Statistical Institute:

Prof. Rao founded the Research and Training School at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) in Kolkata. His leadership and vision transformed ISI into a global hub for statistical education and research. His work there has cultivated generations of statisticians who have gone on to make significant contributions to the field.

CR Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science (AIMSCS):

He played a key role in founding AIMSCS, dedicated to advanced research and education in mathematics and computer science. The institute is a testament to his commitment to fostering scientific excellence.

2. International Advisory Roles

Prof. Rao served as an advisor to numerous international bodies, including the United Nations, influencing global policies and practices in statistical methodology. His expertise contributed to the development of statistical standards, impacting areas like economics, health, and social sciences.

3. Awards and Honors

Prof. Rao’s work has been widely recognized with prestigious awards, reflecting the global impact of his contributions:

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National Medal of Science, USA:

He received this highest honor for a scientist in the United States, acknowledging his profound influence on statistical theory and its applications.

Padma Vibhushan, India:

India’s second-highest civilian award was conferred upon Rao for his exceptional service in the field of Science and Engineering.

Other Honors:

Rao received honorary doctorates from universities across the world, including Cambridge, Harvard, and the Indian Statistical Institute. He was also awarded the International Mahalanobis Prize, the Srinivasa Ramanujan Medal, and the Guy Medal in Gold by the Royal Statistical Society.

4. Enduring Influence on Academia and Industry

Prof. Rao’s teachings and writings continue to serve as fundamental resources for students and practitioners. His theoretical insights find applications in various industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, and more.

5. Mentorship and Inspiration

Rao’s mentorship of young statisticians and mathematicians has left an indelible mark. His nurturing of talent and encouragement of innovative thinking has shaped the careers of many scholars.

His memory will live on, not just in the awards and institutes that bear his name, but in the minds and hearts of those who continue to explore the fascinating world of mathematics and statistics, guided by his pioneering spirit.

Reflection on the Legacy

Prof. C.R. Rao’s contributions remain not only relevant but pioneering. His blend of mathematical rigor, innovative thinking, and real-world applications has left an indelible mark on the scientific community. His name will forever be associated with statistical excellence and mathematical creativity. As the world pays tribute to this giant of mathematics and statistics, it is his profound and enduring impact on human progress that will be his lasting memorial. Prof. C.R. Rao’s memory will live on, not merely in the awards, papers, and institutions bearing his name, but in the vibrant and ongoing exploration of mathematics and statistics that he so passionately championed.

The loss of Prof. C.R. Rao is felt deeply, but his spirit lives on through the countless lives he touched and the intellectual horizons he expanded. He leaves behind a world enriched by his wisdom, and a field forever changed by his genius.

As a teacher, mentor, and visionary leader, Rao’s influence on young scholars ensures that his intellectual legacy will continue to thrive.



Srinivasa Raghava K

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐧, Coder, Philosopher |Chess player♟ Vedic | {Dr. Abdul Kalam national Awardee}. 𝗔𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗮 𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘁.