Mastering LeetCode : A Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving

4 min readSep 18, 2023


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LeetCode has become the go-to platform for aspiring software engineers and developers to hone their problem-solving skills and prepare for technical interviews. However, the vast array of problems can be overwhelming for newcomers. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide on how to approach LeetCode problems step by step, from selecting the right questions to mastering your problem-solving skills.

Step 1: Setting the Foundation

1.1 Understand the Basics

Before diving into LeetCode problems, ensure you have a strong grasp of fundamental data structures and algorithms, including:

  • Arrays
  • Linked Lists
  • Stacks and Queues
  • Trees and Graphs
  • Sorting and Searching Algorithms
  • Dynamic Programming

1.2 Learn Time and Space Complexity

LeetCode categorizes problems into three levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium, and Hard. Start with Easy problems to build your confidence and gradually move on to Medium and Hard problems as you gain experience.

Step 2: Selecting the Right Questions

2.1 Categorize by Difficulty

LeetCode categorizes problems into three levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium, and Hard. Start with Easy problems to build your confidence and gradually move on to Medium and Hard problems as you gain experience.

2.2 Focus on Specific Topics

Choose problems related to specific topics you want to master, such as dynamic programming, binary search, or graph algorithms. This approach helps you deepen your knowledge in specific areas.

2.3 Leverage Filters and Tags

Use LeetCode’s filters and tags to find problems that match your criteria. For example, you can filter by data structure or algorithm type, company-specific interview questions, or even by the most frequently asked questions in interviews.

Step 3: Approach to Problem Solving

3.1 Read the Problem Carefully

Start by reading the problem statement thoroughly. Understand the problem requirements, constraints, and input/output formats. Ensure you have a clear picture of what needs to be achieved.

3.2 Break It Down

Break the problem into smaller subproblems. Identify any patterns or potential algorithmic approaches that can be applied. Sketch out your initial thoughts on paper or in code comments.

3.3 Plan Your Solution

Before writing code, outline your approach step by step. Consider edge cases and handle them in your plan. This will help you avoid common pitfalls and bugs during implementation.

3.4 Write Code Incrementally

Begin writing your code incrementally, one step at a time. Test each part as you go, and make sure it works before moving on to the next. This approach makes debugging easier.

3.5 Optimize and Refactor

After you have a working solution, review your code for potential optimizations. Look for opportunities to improve time and space complexity. Optimization is a critical skill for technical interviews.

Step 4: Test Extensively

4.1 Create Test Cases

Design a set of test cases to validate your solution. Include both common cases and edge cases. LeetCode provides a platform to run your code against various inputs.

4.2 Debug Thoroughly

If your code fails any test cases, use debugging techniques to identify and fix the issues. Understand why the code is failing and make necessary adjustments.

Step 5: Analyze Time and Space Complexity

5.1 Time Complexity Analysis

Analyze the time complexity of your solution. Be prepared to explain why your code runs in a particular time complexity, whether it’s O(n), O(log n), or any other.

5.2 Space Complexity Analysis

Similarly, analyze the space complexity of your solution. Understand the memory usage and explain the space complexity of your algorithm.

Step 6: Learn from Others

6.1 Participate in LeetCode Discussions

Engage with the LeetCode community by participating in discussions. Ask questions, seek clarification, and share your knowledge. Learning from others can accelerate your growth.

6.2 Follow Coding Blogs and Newsletters

Subscribe to coding blogs and newsletters that regularly feature LeetCode problems and solutions. These resources often provide detailed explanations and tips for tackling specific challenges.

6.3 Watch Tutorials and Coding Videos

Platforms like YouTube and online learning websites offer coding tutorials and walkthroughs of LeetCode problems. Watching these videos can help you understand various problem-solving techniques and strategies.

6.4 Participate in Online Coding Communities

Join coding communities and forums like Stack Overflow, Reddit’s/learnprogramming, or dedicated LeetCode forums. These platforms offer a wealth of knowledge, and you can benefit from the collective experience of developers worldwide.


LeetCode is a powerful platform for improving your problem-solving skills and preparing for technical interviews. By following this step-by-step guide, you can systematically approach problems, select the right questions, and enhance your ability to tackle challenging coding tasks. Remember that consistent practice and a growth mindset are key to success on LeetCode and in technical interviews.

Happy coding !

