Corporate Campuses Reshaped with Indoor Positioning Systems

Raghava Kolanupaka
4 min readJun 17, 2019


Corporate campuses and manufacturing units spread over large areas can be quite tough to manage. However, with the right technology such as indoor positioning systems, facility heads can manage the workspace effectively.

But, navigation within the facility is just one cog in the wheel. Can indoor positioning system also help in finding people, support collaboration, event registration and get instant office updates?

Yes, why not! Indoor positioning and navigation apps make all this possible and much more. These apps are developed focusing on large venues like corporate campuses. Already, other large facilities such as shopping malls, convention centers, warehouses, zoos and etc. have associated with it and are witnessing fruitful returns.

However, corporate campuses need to function professional and formal in nature unlike the rest of the venues. Apps like these offer facilities that deal in a professional manner in a professional setup, although the management of corporate campuses needs to monitor the app as admin so as to monitor their staff and the entire crew within the venue.

Corporate campuses look after a healthy number of employees on a daily basis. With the day-to-day meetings, interviews, new recruits, and interns, etc. the task of managing becomes more cumbersome. Indoor positioning and navigation apps can be that one good source of management, while all things can take place simultaneously without any hindrances.

Most common issues faced by corporate campuses are:

v Allotment of Meeting Rooms

v Avoiding of Seminar/Team-Meeting Clashes

v Identification of Floors, Chambers, Rest Rooms, etc.

All these challenges do not block the bottom line of the company, however, they snatch the mental peace of the employees, eventually making them quit their jobs sooner or later.

Indoor positioning apps provide multiple benefits for a facility like a corporate campus that can address all the challenges faced constantly by the employees.

How to Redesign Work Environment Using Indoor Positioning Systems

The Work environment has drastically changed in the 21st century, things which concerned the employees in the early 20th century do not exist today. Employees most critical concern today is having access to the internet because of which one-fourth of the work relies upon.

Employees are demanding for a remodel of the corporate campuses, remodel as in, an environment which should look like a mini urban space with restaurants, walkable living space, gym, etc. With too many retail collaborations, it’s impossible to easily identify the destinations.

Only an indoor positioning app can take you to places within the campus. If not for just navigation, these apps can also help the facilities in various ways which are mentioned below.

Indoor positioning apps work as a guide for the employees, as it can navigate within the campus and also provide other additional benefits which can work as an analytics tool to study the behavior of the visitors in the venue.

The Benefits of these Apps

ü Precise Indoor Navigation and Wayfinding

ü Asset Tracking

ü Location-Based Services

ü Feature-Level Customization

ü Location Bookmarking

The Additional Features of these Apps:

Share your location

Employees within the facility can fix an appropriate meeting point for multiple people as well

Real-time wayfinding

Vital alerts related to the safety and security of the employees will be sent on a real-time basis

Inventory & asset tracking

Helps track the employee movements and also the assets within the facility

Corporate Campuses Renaissance after Indoor Positioning System

  • Swift and precise navigation
  • Scheduled team meetings
  • Ethical challenges like work stress, time management, and productivity will be addressed

The modern corporate campuses are changing and most employees are looking out for an environment that will be friendlier. Gone are the days where employees used to stick to their cubicle desks, in fact, they are looking for a more flexible and digitalized corporate spaces than the traditional ones.

Latest market research on IPIN (Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation) industry reveals that by the end of 2025, indoor positioning will reach a pinnacle of the overall tech industry. Now is the ideal time for all the stakeholders of corporate campuses (and also large facility owners) to implement this technology for a better bottom line and employee/visitor engagement.

Because it’s never too late to start a new connection that promises to resolve more than half of your technological problems.



Raghava Kolanupaka

Hi i'm a freelance web consultant currently working for This is based on Geo location technology for indoor positioning & navigation