Jurassic Park by Micheal Crichton || You have seen the movie, but have you read the book.

Shitiz Srivastava
4 min readMar 11, 2019


If there is one movie that I can watch again and again is this film.

I still get goosebumps when Sam Neil takes off his glasses with open mouth with John Williams music in the background and then the camera turns to show a giant Dinosaur eating leaves from a long tree.

Hats off to Steven Speilberg.

But there is one more guy who deserves the equal amount of applause — Micheal Crichton, the man who bought Jurassic Park on Paper as a novel.

Apart from Godfather, if there is another book to movie adaptation that is equally good as the book then it is Jurassic Park.

I saw the film when I was just five or six years old and it shook my child brain off. The movie gave me imaginations that won’t vanish for years. I remember that I had a bag with a photo of Jurassic Park Logo on it and had a pencil box with the same logo on it.

I loved the movie and I was fascinated by everything shown in it. I would dream about dinosaurs all the time, living at that time, playing with them and just like me, for hundreds of kids, it was their favourite topic. For some unknown reason, Dinosaurs had always been my friend in my dreams.

Anything that was remotely connected to Dinosaurs, I had to see it. I loved the Sunday show “Daanu Danasur” where a boy befriends a dinosaur and I would watch every episode of it like it was going to come in my final exams.

Such was the craze of Dinosaurs after that film.

I read the book twenty years later after I saw the film and I regret why wasn’t I an early reader.

If you liked the movie, then you will love this book.

The movie is just 5% of what the books have to offer but then again not everything in the book can be shown in the film. It is the brilliance of Speilberg that he bought on screen only the most interesting incidents.

The book is a high pace thriller with heavily researched content mix with extreme imaginative world of Crichton. How he comes up with content like this I wonder.

The islands, the kids, the old man Hammond who owns the island, and loves dinosaurs like his own kids, an employee trying to steal eggs to sell them at a higher cost to smugglers and in the process releasing the protection which kept the Velociraptors, a species of dinosaurs in a protected environment. The book has a different interpretation of Hammond than the movie. In the book, he is much of a businessman than a father figure as portrayed by Richard Attenborough.

Everything about this book is interesting. The author knows that the entire concept of Dinosaurs will be new to his readers and that is why he explains everything in the book but the best part of his writing is that he is not just throwing his knowledge on you and laying down the facts. He is presenting them in a manner that you feel as if you are part of that world rather than getting an impression whether you are reading non-fiction for a while.

The writing of Crichton needs no introduction as it has always been very interesting right from “The Andromeda Strain” and he never fails to amuse us with his writing. His USP is that he works very hard on his novels and does tremendous amounts of research.

Even if you have seen the film, you will still find “Jurassic Park” highly interesting. There have been many changes done by Speilberg to the characters and story of Crichton’s book which you will understand when you will read the book. At times you would feel that the book should be separately adapted into a web series because only a longer length series can do proper justice to the content of the book.

I love the movie version but there are times when I feel that the book is much more interesting and deeper than the movie. The book doesn’t just talk about the dinosaurs but also about the much more dangerous animal called “Humans” who for personal benefits won’t think twice putting the entire planet in danger.

There are many moral questions which are raised at the end of the book and it raises the dilemma that even though it becomes possible to procreate dinosaurs someday, would it be a wise decision to bring back those beautiful animals just for the amusement of human beings.

The book is a brilliant example of what a great book should be composed of. A must read.



Shitiz Srivastava

Man who dons several hats in one lifetime. Well, good for nothing. B.Tech, L.L.B., M.A. (ENG). Founder of TheHardNewsDaily.com News Network.