Companienv: Managing your `.env` files is much easier now!

Samuel ROZE
1 min readFeb 2, 2018


In the software engineering industry, we see more and more tools using environment variables as their main configuration mechanism. 12factor, Docker containers, PaaS such as Heroku, … environment variables are everywhere. Recently, Symfony also changed to use environment variables, via a .env file, by default.

These .env files are hard to manage

Unfortunately, managing .env files (or environment variables in general) is not straightforward. Multiple times, I’ve faced these situations:

  • I’m a new user, what should I put in each values? Which variables should I even have?
  • The application changed, which new environment variable do I need to add?
  • A given variable depends on another one. So I couldn’t put anything in B because I’ve set false in the previous variable A ?

I believe these situations can and should be massively improved, and that’s why I’ve build Companienv.

Companienv will generate the .env file

Companienv is an open-source command line tool that helps to generate .env files from a “distribution” version: a .env.dist file. This “distribution file”,.env.dist, should be in your code repository and will contain the documentation of the every variable.

You will find more in the GitHub repository but in a nutshell, Companienv will helps you to:

  • Read and populate default values
  • Identify and request only missing variables
  • Propagate files (copy files from somewhere else)
  • Generate public/private RSA keys
  • Generate SSL certificates
  • Much more, via your own extensions

