Troubleshoot Tableau: Dynamic Filters with Fixed LODs

Srutimala Deka
2 min readDec 16, 2023


Two ways to apply dynamic filter with a fixed LOD calc

This is a follow up of my previous blog on all LODs in Tableau. In this one, we’ll see two approaches to address unresponsive filters with fixed LOD calcs.

Approach 1:

Fixed LOD and Context Filter

By definition, FIXED LOD will ensure that the calc doesn’t take any other field into consideration. Take note of the filter hierarchy in Tableau- context filter gets applied before fixed LODs.

In Superstore Data, when we visualize customer’s first Orders in Furniture Category, we put the Category filter into context. Otherwise, we get customer’s first Orders, out of which some are from Furniture Category.

Context Matters.

Numbers change after putting Filter in Context (greyed pill)

When we put the filter into ‘Context’ it applies the filter first and the LOD is applied on the resultant dataset.

Approach 2:

Fixed LOD and parameters

When context filter needs to affect *some* calculations in the view but NOT ALL.

If we need to avoid context filter as it may interfere with the rest of the visualizations, rewrite fixed LOD to include a parameter [category parameter]

{ fixed [Customer ID]: min( if [Category]=[category parameter]
[Order Date] END ) }

Make this parameter a user filter.

Notice how we are using the Category filter inside the LOD, so that it evaluates first— same as using a context filter.

Have you faced any trouble when using Fixed LOD with Dashboard filters? It might be worth solving them once and for all. Ping me!

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