Simran Sharma
2 min readOct 14, 2022


Life is a series of choices. Each day brings new choices to us. Some we regret, Some we are proud of at last We are what we chose to be. Some choices are to either continue to be in your comfort zone or push yourself from it.

All Choices will have their consequences which can be good or bad but we have to face them and travel the path once the choice is made. How do you find the best choices for your life? By actually making the choices.

In most cases, a lot of the choices that we make are easy. We decide on choices like what clothes to wear, what time to leave the house, what foods to eat, and when we go to bed.

And then there are some choices that are not as black-and-white. Such choices like whether or not we try to fit in with different social groups, whether or not to leave certain situations, and how we carry ourselves in rough times. Each choice will set you in a new direction.

Life has an interesting way of working itself out. With time, all of these mistakes fade away and we can look back and see how much we’ve grown. It’s about putting the mistakes in your rearview mirror, learning from them, and moving on.

We are a product of all of these choices that we make each day. The combination of good and bad choices that we make decides who we are. It depends on you to either do cribbing over those who left or feel blessed and happy for those you have.

Choices are always yours to focus on positivity or negativity. Sometimes it is the smallest choice that can change you forever. If you do not like your life start making better choices. It’s not about the chance that makes you successful it’s about your choice.

