Open Letter to IPhones

4 min readDec 6, 2015


Dear Iphone,

Look at you all protected in a life proof case and wrapped in a nice plastic screen protector. Sometimes I see people pay attention to you more than they do to their own child. You know what your problem is, you have no self confidence. You don’t believe in yourself at all because you change every few months. As soon as I bought you I feel like its already outdated but yet the thing thats awful is that you change but just barely. How much actually changed this time from last time? A new finger print scanner thats it? Come on apple I expect better out of you. You seem to be nothing different each time but yet everyone feels this urge to upgrade. Is it cool having the newest iphone? Is a pride thing to be able to sit down and have someone ask “Is that the newest one?” Thats not all though and to make it all worse you cost around 800 dollars for something similar as last time. While you’re laughing at all of us for being obsessed with you and paying so much for you each time there are some that camp outside stores just to have you. You have completely taken over this planet and without realizing it are one of the most used objects in a persons day. I know this might make you mad but Ive been trying to avoid you this year. Yes you heard me AVOID YOU! Whenever my friends and I go to dinner we all place you in the middle of the table so nobody even has a chance glance at you without 5 others yelling at them. You’re being replaced by actual people and instead of staring at you were actually socializing. Oh and by socializing I don’t mean texting my friend whose sitting 3 feet of me. Were all actually talking to each other and avoiding you. That notification for instagram can wait because you aren’t important right now. You can wait and I know this might hurt you but it needs to be done in this world. You scare me at times, I see 6 year olds who are already using you and that scares me. You are gross, a monster, you got so low that now your taking kids childhoods away. When I was 6 I was using crayons and now kids are using some app to draw? NO this is where I draw the line, you’ve gone to far this time and going after the wrong people. You take our bank accounts, our minds, our eyes, and distract us from the world around us and somehow manage to create a different world on a tiny screen but the worst part is we let you. Even though you annoy me I need you every single day and I check on you every 2 minutes to see if anything new has happened. There isn’t a day where I don’t use you and I cant imagine going an hour without you. You have everything of mine including all my memories in photos, all my friends in texts, all my time on one screen. Everything in my life is recorded in you including the last meal I ate which I probably sent to the main homies on snapchat. I use you for everything including my school work and heck even my credit card is on you so I don’t lose it. You basically own me, you know everything about me, my deepest conversations, my favorite music, my best friends. I honestly cant imagine going a day without you because I truly do need you in my life and you have everything about me. When I leave the house you’re the first thing I check I have. When the fire alarm in my dorm goes off you are the first thing I grab. (17 fire alarms this semester but thats a story for another letter). Even though Ive been fairly critical of you I feel like its been too much, maybe you aren’t as bad as I made you out to be? You do so many good things and I should appreciate you more. So much of my day revolves around you and when you’re dead and I cant charge you that turns out to be some of the harshest moments in my life. I need you and I will always love you! That is until the next version comes out and I replace you which will probably be in 2 weeks!

The screen that changed the world

