Using Todoist beyond its “default” duties

Stefan Schulte Strathaus
3 min readSep 6, 2022
Photo by Disha Sheta:

As some of you know, I have been using Todoist for a long time and went through the “To-Do List” hell by trying out every app., and spent a good chunk of money on this experience.

It was worth the journey as Todoist is now my safe haven for organizing a lot in my life. And this goes way beyond managing tasks.

But let’s take a look at my projects:

Projects by priorities

I entered the projects following its priority in my life, with the first two being an exception.

  • Read/Review — Everything that I want to read or review later
  • Routines — Tasks that repeat every day, week, month, or year (I am using sections here)

Managing finances

Why use Todoist for this? You certainly can use your banking app to remind you about upcoming or recurring payments. But Todoist is the center of my private and personal life.

So why look at two apps if you can have them all in one?

  • Finance — Managing my finances and tax reclaims
  • Upcoming — Everything…



Stefan Schulte Strathaus

Working in Tech for decades and loving productivity hacks. Passionate about helping others to strive and succeed. Snowboarding and Wing Chung to stay healthy.