What is mewing?

Samuel James
3 min readJun 20, 2023


Enhancing facial structure, Breathing, and Overall Wellbeing

Mewing, a technique that focuses on correct tongue posture and oral posture, has gained significant attention in recent years. With its origins rooted in the work of Dr. John Mew, mewing has sparked interest for its potential to improve facial structure, breathing, and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the benefits of mewing, examining its impact on facial aesthetics, breathing, dental health, posture, muscle tone, and self-confidence. While individual experiences may vary, understanding the potential advantages of this technique can guide individuals seeking to enhance their facial features and overall health.

I. Improved Facial Structure and Jawline:

Mewing aims to promote proper tongue posture and oral posture, which may result in enhanced facial symmetry, a well-defined jawline, and improved facial aesthetics. By engaging the tongue against the roof of the mouth, mewing encourages facial muscles to develop harmoniously, potentially leading to a more balanced and appealing facial structure. Before-and-after testimonials and examples showcase the transformative effects of mewing on facial appearance.

II. Enhanced Breathing and Airway Function:

Tongue posture plays a crucial role in nasal breathing and airway function. Mewing promotes nasal breathing, which may help improve airflow and alleviate breathing-related issues such as snoring or sleep apnea. By practicing proper tongue posture, individuals may experience enhanced respiratory efficiency and better oxygenation during sleep and daily activities.

III. Dental Health Benefits:

Mewing can contribute to proper teeth alignment and occlusion. By resting the tongue against the roof of the mouth, mewing assists in achieving a more natural and aligned bite, potentially reducing the need for extensive orthodontic treatments. Additionally, maintaining correct tongue posture can aid in overall oral health and hygiene, as it helps distribute saliva and prevent issues like dry mouth or tooth decay.

IV. Potential Postural Improvements:

The relationship between tongue posture, head posture, and neck alignment is interconnected. Mewing encourages individuals to maintain a correct head position, which can positively influence neck alignment and overall posture. By aligning the cervical spine properly, mewing may help alleviate neck or back pain caused by poor posture.

V. Facial Muscle Tone and Development:

Engaging in mewing exercises the facial muscles, leading to increased muscle tone and potential aesthetic improvements. Mewing activates various facial muscles, contributing to a more defined and sculpted appearance. Complementing mewing with facial exercises or other muscle training techniques can further enhance facial muscle development.

VI. Psychological and Self-Confidence Benefits:

The potential psychological impact of mewing should not be overlooked. Improved facial aesthetics and self-perception resulting from mewing can boost self-confidence and overall well-being. Testimonials and personal anecdotes reveal how individuals have experienced enhanced self-esteem through their mewing journey.

VII. Potential Limitations and Considerations:

It’s important to acknowledge individual variations and the need for professional guidance when practicing mewing. Consulting with dental or orthodontic professionals can ensure that the technique is performed correctly and aligned with personal needs. Additionally, addressing misconceptions and potential risks associated with incorrect mewing practices is vital to ensure optimal results and safety.

Learning to Mew can be a hard transition. With years of improper tongue posture you may lack the strength and endurance to hold propper posture for an extended period of time. The Mevving Tongue Trainer is a revolutionary device designed to target and strengthen the muscles responsible for the dreaded double chin. This effective exercise tool addresses the underlying cause of a double chin — weak muscles — and helps you achieve a more confident jawline. By changing the spring, you can customize your workout to meet your specific needs, allowing you to sculpt a sleek jawline in a fast and effective manner.

Not only does the Mevving Tongue Trainer enhance your facial aesthetics, but it also promotes improved breathing habits. Tongue exercises naturally position your tongue, which is crucial for optimal breathing. Misalignment of the tongue can lead to breathing problems, but with regular use of this trainer, you can improve your breathing and reduce the risk of related issues.

Designed with comfort in mind, the Mevving Tongue Trainer ensures a pleasant experience during your workout sessions. Unlike other products, it won’t cause discomfort or pain in your ears. Its compact size and portable design make it easy to carry wherever you go, allowing you to incorporate tongue exercises seamlessly into your daily routine.

