What To Consider When Choosing a New Payroll Provider

6 min readAug 27, 2019
What to consider when switching payroll providers

Change can seem scary, no matter what the situation is. There are a lot of unknowns that come with something new, but the payoff can be great for those willing to take the plunge. If you’re thinking about switching payroll providers but you’re concerned about missed pay periods or data errors during the transition, you are not alone.

However, there is more to be lost from using ineffective or overpriced payroll solutions than in the conversion process itself. The key to a successful payroll conversion is a streamlined process that meets the unique needs of your company while minimizing the amount of resources required from your organization to get started.

There are many reasons why businesses are hesitant to embrace a new payroll solution, but there are ways to overcome apprehension from your top-level management, peers, and employees. When you’re ready to make the switch, it’s important for your company to not only consider the five factors below but also have the discussion around your company embracing this change.

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An automated payroll system should help solve challenges you’re currently facing. Remember, the solution is supposed to be a company asset, not an unnecessary expense. Once you’ve decided to change…




PayNortheast is a full-service payroll provider. Our mission is to make payroll, timekeeping and HR solutions easy and affordable for companies of all sizes.