GSoC 2023 with OpenMRS | Coding Week 08

Shubham Sharma
1 min readJul 24, 2023


Welcome back to another exciting update on my Google Summer of Code (GSOC) journey! Week 8 has been a significant milestone as I delved into strengthening the Visit Repository module by incorporating essential unit tests. Building upon the foundation laid by the base classes, I successfully implemented mock responses to create comprehensive test cases that ensure the reliability and functionality of the code.

Here’s the PR for adding Unit Tests for Visit Repository:

Looking Ahead

Week 8 of GSOC was immensely fulfilling as I laid the foundation for building robustness into the Visit Repository feature. With the unit tests in place, I am confident that the code will continue to perform optimally even as the project evolves.

As I progress into Week 9, I am planning to add more tests for the Appointment Repository as well as Visit Repository. Also I will start writing tests for Orders Repository.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for week 8 progress :)

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