The long march of Mr. Binance (Changpeng Zhao).

Sergio Sistarelli
5 min readJun 26, 2018

Along the River Blue, in East China, is Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province, where one of the most important Sons of this land was born, CHANGPENG ZHAO!!!

ZHAO in the late 80s, he moved with his family to Vancouver, Canada. His father was a professor in China, before being labeled a “pro bourgeois intellectual” and exiled from his country. During his teens, Zhao helped his family with a series of hard and underpaid jobs, as an employee of McDonald’s and gas station. But this boy with extraordinary intellectual and visionary abilities managed to emerge and attended McGill University in Montreal, Canada, where he specialized in computer science!

The personality, the intelligence, the character of this boy, has no equal in the world! It’s simply two to three spans above all and has often been compared to giants like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates! But we at the Bitcoin Private Community (BTCP) compare ZHAO to the God of this mysterious, beautiful and supernatural Mountain with purple and golden clouds at sunrise and sunset; and we describe ZHAO with a phrase that contains the power, strength and character of this extraordinary boy: “GIVE ME A SUPPORT POINT AND I WILL LIFT THE WORLD”.

After university, Zhao spent some time in Tokyo and New York, first building a system to combine commercial orders to the Tokyo Stock Exchange and then to Bloomberg’s Tradebook where he developed software for futures trading. But even after the 25-year-old code programmer was promoted three times in less than two years to run teams in New Jersey, London and Tokyo, Zhao became impatient. So in 2005 he stopped these collaborations and moved to Shanghai to start his Sistem Fusion, a company known for the construction of some of the F system of trading at high frequency, as test for mediators.

Then, in 2013, Zhao learned about Bitcoin from a venture capitalist with whom he played poker. He began to bounce between various important cryptographic projects. He joined as the third member of the cryptocurrency wallet team. As head of development for eight months, he worked closely with known Bitcoin evangelizers like Roger Ver and Ben Reeves. He also worked at OKCoin as chief technology officer for less than a year, a platform for spot trading between digital assets.

And from here for ZHAO has been a continuous succession of victories and triumphs. Great story of life that of Mr. ZHAO, full of teachings, sacrifices, love and passion !!!

In July 2017 he gave birth to “Binance”, opening the exchange 11 days after collecting 15 million dollars in an initial offer of coin. The platform proved popular with users almost immediately and when the crypts peaked a few months ago, it hosted up to $ 11 billion a day of exchanges.

“New opportunities (often better) always emerge during periods of change.”

The FORBES date coincides with the day of the Bitcoin Private fork (BTCP) February 28th 2018!

We in the Bitcoin Private community admire a lot of people like “CZ” because it represents in reality our ideals and those of our crypto and of which we are passionate. There has been a lot of discussion on social media and we continue to talk about the future and growth of this project, and in conjunction with John McAfee’s involvement in our marketing strategy, many memes have been created with the focus on this character who gave consent to the use of his image. A friend of ours and member of the numerous BTCP community of at least 52,000 people, Alex Barbulescu (Alex_TNT), created these banners involving Mr. CZ, even though some members of the BTCP community had advised him not to make them, Alex did it anyways because he believes in the life changing work that CZ is doing. CZ can help change millions of lives with his work. CZ has recently created Binance Labs which one day might create the next Google or Facebook for the blockchain industry. It is currently lead by Ella Zhang who has set 3 goals:

1) Changing people’s lives;

2) Change financial organizations;

3) Change the world.

Reading these three points listed, we see the similarity with what he wants to express Bitcoin Private. A very ambitious project that did not create a big ICO to be financed, made up of a talented team that does not have much liquidity to be listed on the most important exchanges. But the guys of the Team and we of the Community love in unison BTCP and above all the most important exchange for us: BINANCE!

So why is BINANCE and its BINANCE LAB? We of the BTCP Community have been intrigued by Mr. ZHAO since as the founder of Binance he is a visionary and convinced of the Crypto revolution like us. Binance Labs is a “social impact” fund. It is an initiative to incubate, invest and empower the best entrepreneurs, projects and communities of blockchain and cryptocurrency. Binance Labs is not a profit-oriented fund, but a strategic fund focused on impact, mission and passion for the whole ecosystem, not just for Binance. The BINANCE LAB mission is to solve the problems that matter most for the ecosystem and to change the world for the better.

In the foresight and objectives that the Binance Lab has set itself, we see that there can be room for a crypto that sums up the ideals of Mr. CZ: Bitcoin Private.

As the manager of Binance Lab, Miss Ella Zhang wrote, “The problems we are trying to solve are some of the greatest challenges we see in space:

· Scalability

· Decentralization

· Privacy

· Security

· Compliance

… And we are a bit more ambitious about these problems in a sense that:

We want to solve the scalability issue without sacrificing interoperability.

We want to achieve decentralization while ensuring efficiency.

We want to preserve privacy while not compromising transparency.

We want to enhance security while promoting usability.

We want to be compliant while making sure each projects maintain good governance”.

We fully agree with these goals and see the future in the same way you do!

Telegram Group BTCP Italy

