Skenos Devin
2 min readMay 8, 2020


“Survival of the fittest” is a phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection (Darwin, 1869). Within the time of 4.543 million years on earth, Change was the only constant thing which is repeated throughout history. The nature provides the answer to sustain in a changing environment.

The below 3 steps guides you on how to do it,

1.Learn to Survive

As previously mentioned in the quote within a changing environment to survive one must master how to adapt. When a change arises in the external world, learning not to panic and having the right attitude will guide anyone to overcome any situation successfully.

At any given time, unnecessary thoughts will not help to survive but rather by learning the situation quickly one can learn to adapt and survive at any given situation within the entire lifetime.

2.Discipline Your Self

As motivation is caused by a positive stimulation in the brain, it will not help any person to sustain in the longer-run. What is important in a changing word is “Discipline”, Disciplining your actions toward any task will always lead to success.

One must know their weakness and consciously remove their temptations to create the right set of habits to archive any goal.

3.Be Healthy

There are two areas you must take care in terms of health

· Psychological

Having a set of people who can support you, learning new things, helping others and understanding your own emotions will help you to be healthy in terms of psychological.

· Physical

Eating healthy, regularly exercising, sleeping on time and being hygienic will keep you healthy in terms of physical content.

You should learn to maintain a healthy balance in physical and psychological health to face any change in the external environment. This will help you to quickly adapt to a situation and survive in the longer run.

Skenos Devin

I train and develop people to become better in their personal and professional life . A certified trainer and a motivational speaker