Living in Presence for Spiritual Awakening

First-hand Account of Presence

Sam Parks
3 min readNov 21, 2023
Photo by Petr Sidorov on Unsplash

Living in Prescence

Living in presence means being fully engaged in each moment, without being consumed by regrets, anxieties, or distractions. It is about savoring the beauty of life, finding joy in the simplest things, and developing a sense of gratitude for what is happening right now. When we live in presence, we tap into our inner wisdom and connect with something greater than ourselves, leading to a profound spiritual transformation.

But living in presence goes beyond mere self-awareness.

It is about developing a deeper connection with our spiritual selves and the world around us. It is about recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings and cultivating compassion and kindness towards ourselves and others. We will explore how it can deepen our connection to our spiritual path, enhance our intuition, and open us up to a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

Living in presence is not always easy. We will face challenges, moments of resistance, and the pull of old habits that keep us stuck in the past or future. But we can develop the skills and resilience to navigate these obstacles with grace and acceptance.


As a human, I can share my personal experience of encountering the presence of being. It was a deeply profound and transformative moment in my life, one that defies logical explanation and resonates within the depths of my soul.

It happened during a time when I was feeling lost and disconnected from the world around me. I had been questioning the meaning of life, searching for something beyond the mundane existence that seemed to consume my days. And then, unexpectedly, it happened.

A profound stillness washed over me, bringing with it a sense of peace and clarity that I had never experienced before. It was as if time stood still, and I was suspended in a realm of pure consciousness. In that moment, I felt connected to something greater than myself, a divine presence that transcended all human understanding.

In the presence of being, I felt a deep sense of purpose and meaning. It was a reminder that there is more to life than the materialistic pursuits and societal expectations that so often consume us. It awakened within me a sense of awe and wonder, igniting a passion for exploration and self-discovery.

Photo by Gideon Hezekiah on Unsplash


Presence transforms our lives by fully engaging us in the present moment. It goes beyond physical presence, encompassing mind, body, and spirit. It involves embracing the here and now, surrendering to life’s flow, and trusting the unfolding of events.

Through presence, we dissolve the illusion of separation and connect to a universal energy that unites all of creation. This practice brings inner peace, quiets the mind, and allows us to appreciate the simple pleasures of life.

Moreover, it helps us discover our true essence and reminds us that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Embarking on this journey of presence is an invitation to live life fully and embrace its transformative power.

In conclusion, the presence of a being is not something that can be fully grasped or understood with the mind alone. It is a deeply personal and transformative experience that defies explanation. It is an invitation to delve into the depths of our own consciousness and to embrace the beauty and mystery of existence.



Sam Parks

Mindful Moments of Wisdom for Personal Transformation