7 Days without Social Media

Susan Reynolds
2 min readMay 10, 2019


Social Media Free Saturday

  • Watch Yes Theory’s Video
  • Check your Screen Time and note the average number of hours on your phone.
  • Choose to delete social media for 7 days.
  • You are now participating in Social Media Free Saturday

Sleep Well Sunday

  • Check out this Video about sleeping with your phone.
  • Make a plan to sleep with your phone off or on airplane mode out of arm’s reach.
  • It’s your alarm clock? The alarm works on airplane mode OR you can buy an alarm clock.
  • Check your Screen Time at the end of the day

Mindful Monday

  • Why Mindfulness? Watch this short video
  • Choose a way to be mindful today. You can meditate, practice yoga, or sit in silence and solitude.
  • Need some help? Download Headspace or Insight Timer to get started.
  • Check your Screen Time at the end of the day.

Intention Tuesday

  • Before you check your phone this morning, set an intention for your day. It can be anything: finish the paper, practice kindness, go for a run, be more patient or another idea of your choice.
  • Write it in your notebook, on your phone, to a friend,
  • “I intend to _______________________.
  • Check your Screen Time at the end of the day.

Wellness Wednesday

  • Some people say that social media takes away from wellness activities.
  • What makes you feel well? Spending time outside, exercising, or taking a smoothie break with friends?
  • Want to earn points for your wellness activities? Check out the lilspace: unplug for a cause app.
  • Check your Screen Time at the end of the day.

Thankful Thursday

  • Gratitude is said to be one of the best ways to feel positive about life.
  • Write 10 thing you are grateful for today
  • Consider hand-writing a letter of gratitude.
  • Check in with your Screen Time at the end of the day.

Face to Face Friday

  • Consider texting less and talking more face to face today
  • Use a text to make a face to face coffee or exercise date with a friend
  • Check in with your Screen Time at the end of the day.

Social Media Free Saturday

  • Congratulations! You did it! 7 days without Social Media!
  • What would you like to do now?
  • Consider one more day “Social Media Free” and make a plan for how you are going to use social media in the future.
  • Scrolling with Intention and Posting with Purpose are two things to consider.



Susan Reynolds

Co-Founder — LookUp.live. Join the LookUpChallenge.com. Youth Lead — DigitalWellnessCollective.com. Follow me for tips on digital wellness strategies!