Why Manga is better than Comics?

Sai Sumona Das
4 min readJan 31, 2023


Manga Over Comics Anyday!

Manga is a much broader umbrella term that hosts a wide variety of graphic novels and comics under it, which are originally both produced and published in Japan.

Comic books are graphic novels that are both produced and published in the United States (originally) mainly. Unlike Comic books, which are printed in color, Manga is almost always published in black-and-white format.

Keep reading until the end to find out why manga is better than comics!

Reasons Why Mangas Are Better Than Comics

Here are a few reasons why Mangas are way better than Comics

  • Varying Genres

There’s only one word associated with Comics the most and that is “Superheroes”. There’s SpiderMan, X-men, Batman, Superman, and many more similar story arcs. Most of the superhero movies that we see nowadays are all adapted from comic books. Television shows aren’t exactly an exception to this. Your favorite superhero tv series was likely taken from a comic book.

On the contrary, no genre as such hasn’t been explored in Manga. Some of the popular genres of Manga are — Yuri (girl on girl love), Yaoi ( Boy on boy love), Shojo (Young girl), Shonen ( Young Men), Seinen (Adult audience targeted), Isekai (Otherworld), Fantasy, Etc.

  • Character Development

Manga stories have better plots and story arcs. Their stories are more organized. The characters of Japanese Manga usually start from nothing and rise to the top in an actually meaningful way! There are characters like Goku, and Naruto — whose journeys to becoming masters in their fields are very meaningful.

The Mangas tend to make you feel like you also have been a part of their journey and you can understand and relate to the struggle. Not just the action ones, even Manga does the romance genre way better than comics.

  • Clear Beginnings Of A Story

A major advantage of getting into Manga over Comic books is that they have a very clear beginning of a story. American comics are usually run from decades back and have different sets of storylines, eras, and writers for the same title.

The comic writers are usually aware of this and hence they create new universes altogether for the new readers to easily catch up on but then this just means that there are going to be references in the new version of it and a tonne lotta lore to catch up on, making things more confusing and chaotic for the new readers.

Japanese manga on the other hand is all about one author — one story. There are exceptions of course, but mostly there’s a fluidity in the continuation of the story as it is coming from the same author’s mind.

  • Endings That Make Sense

People are bound to get sick of infinite revivals and reboots no matter how much they love the character. The comics tend to drag on a storyline for too long and in the end, give a sort of rushed ending — one that does not make any sense.

The Manga storylines are mostly finite on the other hand and have set endings. In Manga, there are beginnings and suitable endings to those same endings without dragging things for years just for the sake of it.

I mean Spiderman has been fighting crime for years? When does it end? It tends to get boring at some point, no matter how much you like his character.

  • Consistency Of The Art Style

Another great thing about Manga is that there is one lead artist who creates the art style for Manga. A manga artist can have other people helping out but usually, the main person only leads the art direction, as a result of which there’s consistency maintained throughout a particular Manga.

There are certain Manga that you will simply just recognize based on the art style of it. For example, One Piece has a distinct form of art style and Naruto has another. Both are uniquely different from each other. While on the other hand, Comic art styles are all similar to superheroes and big dialogue boxes — you know what I am talking about!

There’s also a manga vs anime debate, in which the art illustration of Manga again reigns superior to that of Anime.

To Wrap It Up!

The majority of the comics being centered around superheroes fighting evil is what makes it less attractive to even read. Mangas are usually what comes to a person’s mind when talking about variety.

There is something for everyone, and if you haven’t read any manga before then I assure you that you must give it a try.

Thank you for reading up till here. I hope you found the information useful. Let me know in the comments your thoughts on the same.



Sai Sumona Das

Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies.