英國 Exceptional Talent visa (T1) — (1) 基本介紹在開始文章前,這邊先放上英國政府的官方說明文件,建議可以邊看文章邊對照。如果文章有發現錯誤也請麻煩通知我改正Jan 10, 20201Jan 10, 20201
Disassembling Rails — How does ActionText deal with file upload?ActionText is a newly introduced component in Rails 6. In this post, I’ll explain the way ActionText handle uploaded files.Aug 6, 20198Aug 6, 20198
Published inRemote Taiwan/遠距工作/遠端工作/數位游牧Digital Nomad在台灣在 Ticketsolve 跨時區 Remote 一年多的心得這篇文章是純粹基於我個人經驗的感想,而我的狀況又相對獨特,所以對多數人可能不全部適用(或甚至完全不適用)。我會先簡單描述一下自己的工作型態,然後再講過去一年多的心得Jan 26, 20191Jan 26, 20191
Published inRuby InsideDisassembling Rails — Template Rendering (2)This is the second part of Disassembling Rails — Template Rendering (it’s about half year ago, sorry!). In this post I’m going to explain…Dec 18, 20181Dec 18, 20181
Published ingoby-langNo More Best PracticesWe can, and should coding without any best practice.Oct 7, 20171Oct 7, 20171