A Guide to Linux Operating System | First Open-Source OS

Shriyansh Tiwari
3 min readApr 3, 2024


Linux Operating System

In the world of computer systems, Linux is a big deal. It started the idea of open-source software and changed how we use computers. This guide will help everyone understand the Linux operating system better, whether you’re just starting or using it for a while.

Introduction Linux OS

The Linux Operating System started in 1991 thanks to Linus Torvalds and is a cool open-source system. Lots of people joined in, making it better. It also comes in different versions like Ubuntu and Fedora for different needs. Linux isn’t just for computers; it’s on servers, gadgets, and Android phones too. It keeps improving and is super important in today’s tech world because many people work together to make it great.

History of Linux Operating System

In 1991, Linus Torvalds created Linux, changing computing with its open-source idea. Lots of developers joined in, making it better. Linux comes in many versions, like Ubuntu and Fedora, for different needs. Also, it is not just for computers; it runs servers, gadgets, and even Android phones. So, it keeps improving and is super important in today’s tech world, showing how teamwork makes great things happen in open source.

About Linux Operating System

At its core, Linux embodies the principles of collaboration, innovation, and freedom. Its open-source nature fosters a vibrant community of developers, enthusiasts, and users united by a shared passion for technology. Linux powers many devices, from smartphones to supercomputers, serving as the backbone of the modern computing infrastructure. If you want to know more about the Linux OS then you can participate in an Embedded System Certification Course.

Best Linux OS

The best Linux based operating system varies based on what you like and need. Ubuntu is great for its easy use and big community. Fedora is cool for tech lovers who want new stuff. Debian is super stable and safe. Also, Linux Mint feels like Windows, which is comfy for switchers. Arch Linux is simple and lets you make it your own. openSUSE is both steady and flexible. CentOS suits big businesses. What’s best for you depends on what you want and need.

Linux Operating System List

Here is the list of some Linux-based operating systems:

  • Ubuntu: Easy to use, great for beginners.
  • Fedora: For tech enthusiasts, tests new stuff.
  • Debian: Super stable, all about free software.
  • Linux Mint: Perfect for former Windows users, really user-friendly.
  • Arch Linux: DIY heaven, build your system.
  • openSUSE: Stable or rolling releases, easy system management.
  • CentOS: Reliable like Red Hat, but free for everyone

Best Linux Operating System for Beginners

If you’re new to Linux, Ubuntu is a great choice. It’s easy to use, has lots of help available, and a big community. So, you can install apps easily with Ubuntu’s Software Center. Also, it’s stable and reliable, which makes switching from Windows smooth. Ubuntu’s simple design and many learning resources make it perfect for beginners exploring Linux.

Best Linux Operating System for Developers

For developers, Fedora is a top pick. It has all the latest tools and software, perfect for making programs. Fedora’s keen on new stuff like containers and cloud computing, which developers love. Also, it has a strong system for managing software and tools, letting developers build and try out new ideas. As well as Fedora, developers can keep up with the latest tech trends and have the freedom to create and test their apps easily.


In conclusion, Linux isn’t just a regular operating system; it’s about working together, being open, and feeling empowered. Whether you’re new to computers or a pro trying new things, the Linux Operating System has lots of options. You can do all sorts of stuff with it, so go ahead, be creative, and join the big community shaping the future of tech!

