Introducing Synergistic Inter-Protocol Emissions on Retro

Retro/ Blueprint/ ZERO/
4 min readSep 26, 2023


Do you like airdrops?

What if you could receive tokens from multiple protocols in a single airdrop?

What if you could get that airdrop every week, forever?

While it’s not exactly an airdrop, we’d like to introduce you to Retro’s newest innovation — Synergistic Inter-Protocol Emissions, or SIPEs. SIPEs allows for veRETRO holders to receive veTokens from other protocols just for doing what they are already doing — voting for gauges. SIPE is made possible by another Stabl Labs innovation — bveTokens.

bveToken Introduction
The team behind Retro has integrated a revolutionary new asset as bribe rewards — bveTokens (the bve stands for “bribe vote escrow,” by the way).

bveTokens are essentially a tokenized, max-locked veNFT. Tokenization gives Retro the option of essentially offering veNFTs on their gauges as bribes. Not only this, but it allows Retro the ability to offer any veNFT on their gauges as bribes — including veNFTs from other protocols.

As it stands now, there are 2 bveTokens being offered on Retro blue chip gauges — bveRETRO and bveZERO. bveRETRO has come from token buybacks converted to bveTokens, and bveZERO is currently coming from initial token supply. Eventually, both bveTokens will come from weekly emissions (veNFT rebase drops from 30% to 15% after Epoch 12 for both protocols; that 15% will be redirected to bveToken bribe rewards on the other protocol at that time).

On the frontend of Retro, a bveToken can be redeemed for the underlying veNFT and immediately be used for voting or merged to existing veNFTs. If the veNFT is native on another blockchain, the bveTokens will be bridged to the correct blockchain via LayerZero (bveTokens are actually Omnichain Fungible Tokens, or OFTs, which make this possible) & redeemed as a veNFT in the user’s wallet.

bveRETRO on Retro
Besides claiming the most lucrative trading fees on Retro’s highest-volume pools like wMATIC/USDC and wETH/USDC, veRETRO voters will also increase their own voting position for next epoch just for voting for these pools.

bveRETRO tokenized veNFTs are available on all blue chip gauges as an additional bribe reward. Savvy veNFT veterans will understand this to be a powerful benefit — in addition to the always-lucrative bribes and fee rewards, veRETRO holders can also autocompound their veNFT position when voting for gauges with bveRETRO on them (adding to the standard rebase). This could prove to be a masterful play when market sentiments turn bullish again.

Once ZERO launches, bveRETRO will be diverted to ZERO as SIPEs.

bveZERO on Retro
As you may know, ZERO is the upcoming Retro fork being deployed on Polygon zkEVM in October. We have already conducted two different airdrop snapshots for existing and new veRETRO holders, respectively.

However, with bveZERO now available as bribes on Retro blue chip gauges, veRETRO holders have the opportunity to claim veZERO just for voting for those gauges. It’s as if veRETRO holders are receiving a veZERO airdrop every week just for voting. The only difference is, this is an airdrop that lasts forever.

It is important to mention that aside from the upcoming veZERO presale, until the launch of ZERO there is no other way to acquire veZERO voting power besides voting for blue chip gauges on Retro. Keep in mind also that Polygon has given Stabl Labs a sizable grant to be used as bribe rewards on ZERO. We’ll let you do the math.

What this ultimately ends up creating is a two-way, mutually beneficial relationship between Retro and ZERO. Voting on Retro gauges increases your voting power on both Retro and ZERO, with the same happening on ZERO. This allows one veNFT holder to gain a financial presence on the liquidity layer of two different blockchains with just one lock.

ZERO as the veHub of DeFi
In addition to the symbiotic benefits of bveTokens between Retro and ZERO, there will also be other bveTokens available as blue chip gauge bribes on ZERO.

Alfa alert — there are 2 Retro friendly forks currently being deployed on other chains (unlike ZERO, these protocols are not being deployed by Stabl Labs). One on Arbitrum (Horiza) and one on Mantle (Crust). These DEXs have agreed to provide some of their emissions as bveTokens to be offered on ZERO as bveToken bribes.

So by voting on ZERO blue chip gauges, you will be growing your voting position (and earning capabilities) on FOUR different DEXs, on FOUR different blockchains. All by owning one veZERO position.

And don’t forget, the only way to get veZERO right now is by voting on Retro blue chip gauges.

Stabl Labs has harnessed the power and allure of airdrops to create the first ever, multi-token airdrop that occurs every week and lasts forever. Let that sink in.

Solidifying your voting position in one ve(3,3) DEX will also grow your position in multiple ecosystems, simply for participating in typical ve(3,3) activities.

Stabl Labs will tirelessly push the boundaries of what is thought of as possible in the DeFi space to continue bringing value to its loyal veNFT holders.

The future is bright, frens.

