77 Positive Affirmations for Discouraged Writers

Anderson Laatsch
4 min readJan 26, 2018


Bookmark this list and return to it as needed to read these positive affirmations, reset your intentions, and shift back into a positive mindset on tough writing days.

  1. I matter.
  2. My creative work matters.
  3. I am a professional writer. I honor that truth by living that truth.
  4. I am more than any book I write.
  5. I grow stronger in my unique talents every day.
  6. The fact that establishing a writing career is challenging is also what makes it worthwhile. The best things in life are the ones you have to work for.
  7. Creating stories is where I have decided to make meaning in my life.
  8. Decisions create confidence.
  9. I am free to make my own choices.
  10. I am free from the judgement of others.
  11. Move and the way will open. Write and the story will appear.
  12. Writing is important, and at the same time, it is not important at all. No one’s life is in my hands. The fates of nations do not rest on my words or deeds. I am writing a story. I can relax while also giving it my best effort.
  13. I release the need to build myself up with expectations before I begin my writing. I free myself from this mentally exhausting task. I accept myself in this moment and allow myself to write the words however they come.
  14. It is safe to experience resistance to writing. I know resistance comes from fear. I can feel this fear and still write.
  15. I turn toward fear and resistance. I accept its presence. I can sit with it as long as I need to knowing that it will pass as all emotions do.
  16. I am free from the judgement of others.
  17. My job is to write the work, not to judge the work.
  18. I am devoted to my writing.
  19. I make an abundant living writing.
  20. I deserve to be paid for my work.
  21. My work is valuable.
  22. I support myself and my family with my writing.
  23. I am capable.
  24. I am courageous.
  25. I produce finished work.
  26. No matter what thoughts or emotions I am experiencing, I get the job done.
  27. I am free from the emotions or influence of others.
  28. I detach from the opinions of others.
  29. I can write anywhere, anytime.
  30. I have everything I need to finish this project.
  31. I am guided in my creative process by a power greater than me. I am never alone.
  32. I trust the process.
  33. I’ve got this.
  34. This will work out. I have nothing to gain by expecting the worst.
  35. I am having a passing feeling of [fear, anxiety, rejection, disappointment, anger]. I am more than any emotion I experience.
  36. I am flipping my fear-off switch, just for now.
  37. Whatever happens, my essential self — my creative self — will be just fine.
  38. I am more than the part of me that is anxious or afraid.
  39. I am more than any mistake I might ever make.
  40. I am equal to any challenge.
  41. I know my job.
  42. I am a gifted writer.
  43. You don’t get to where I’m at without having some setbacks.
  44. Being rejected has nothing to do with my worth as a person.
  45. I am who I choose to be.
  46. I don’t live for them. I live for me.
  47. I take action on my creative ideas.
  48. I find joy in writing every day.
  49. I release the need to know the outcome of my current project.
  50. When I let go of who I am, I become who I might be. When I let go of my identity as a struggling writer, I become a successful writer.
  51. Every project I complete is a success. I conceived it. I created it. I finished it.
  52. I choose gratitude.
  53. I choose peace.
  54. Writing is my practice.
  55. Writing is my craft.
  56. Writing calms me.
  57. Writing centers me.
  58. I am present while writing. I have no need or desire to rush. I fully immerse myself in telling the story.
  59. I love creating stories. I love creating value for other people.
  60. I expect success.
  61. I am so grateful for my writing practice.
  62. I take action every day to move toward my values.
  63. I adopt a growth mindset. I am a writer because I choose to work at it and develop my skills.
  64. Failure is opportunity to grow.
  65. I build upon and expand the success I have already accomplish.
  66. Instead of obsessing over new goals and achievements, I build on the work that is already thriving.
  67. I am a writer. Every day I write. Every day I add to my body of work. I create valuable assets.
  68. Right now, I follow my inner guide and my natural creative rhythm to establish a writing practice.
  69. I focus on building my ideal writing career. I am strong and talented and creative enough to do it.
  70. I write joyfully. I work with ease. I release struggle. My body and my mind work for me, not the other way around.
  71. Intellect (ego) is a limited instrument. When I feel depleted of new ideas, I surrender to guidance from my higher self — my unlimited creative power.
  72. I release the need to understand intellectually the creative process of writing stories. Instead, I devote myself to the experience of it.
  73. I have the courage to write. I have the courage to show my work, voice my ideas, to be vulnerable, to put myself out there, take risks, make mistakes, fail, endure disappointment — and to put myself out there and try again.
  74. I continue to master the art of writing.
  75. Writing is my life’s work. I will never be done. I will never give up.
  76. I convert my creative energy and ability into financial and emotional fulfillment.
  77. Writing is a personal, individual journey. I will not be able to follow another author’s path and expect the same experience.

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