What Burning Man Teaches You About Blockchain, Crypto, and an Abundance Mindset (Part 1)

Stacey Murphy
3 min readSep 7, 2021


Think about anything you want in this life, and WHY you actually want it. Keep asking why until you get to the root. Eventually, a lot of people get to prosperity and freedom — the abundance mindset.

Wondering how to master this mindset in just one week? Consider going to Burning Man. It’s more than just naked people on bicycles and a parade of RVs covered in giant feathers. It is Black Rock City with a vision to “help open up the inherent possibilities that arise when you bring your most creative, inquisitive, most playful and resilient self into this very moment.”

How exactly does that lead to an Abundance Mindset and what does that have to do with blockchain and cryptocurrencies?

Imagine leaving all your preconceived notions of what human society is all about in Reno and driving into the dust of the Black Rock Desert. When you arrive, a stranger in a sparkly tutu lit up head to toe in Christmas lights gives you a big hug and says, “Welcome home.”

You have a sense it’s not the desert that is home, but the true feeling of HOME. The place where you are 100% accepted and celebrated for who you are. You feel safe and free to be yourself. And you feel grateful.

It makes you want to PLAY and GIVE. Which is perfect, because Burning Man has a rich tradition of being a gift economy. It’s not the kind of gifts that you feel obligated to give because you “should”… it’s the reckless abandon and burning desire to give freely and unconditionally. Luckily, you have a pack full of gifts that you brought and you are eager to share with others. And magically, you also start receiving everything you need from the generosity of strangers.

This is a world without MONEY as you know it.

But it is a place RICH in exchange which is the true CURRENCY of a sacred economy.

One very important note: it is NOT a barter economy. You do not give with the expectation that you will receive something in exchange. You simply give because it’s FUN. It is unconditional LOVE for your fellow human friends.

Perhaps you arrive with enough chili for fifty people to feast. And you find yourself surprised and delighted by what others have brought to share. It may be STUFF you bring to share (thank you to the lovely lady who brought tons of chapsticks to hand out when I had forgotten mine!), but more importantly, it is your ENERGY that you share.

If you can avoid that weird thing that humans do where you start worrying about your future and where your next meal is coming from… soon you will feel the infinite prosperity of the collective human consciousness present in every moment.

You will remember what it’s truly like to give and receive gifts because your heart is FULL.

Wondering what a Sammich Mobile at Burning Man teaches you about blockchain and crypto? Continue with Part 2 here.



Stacey Murphy

Playful, Intuitive, Nomadic Entrepreneur — appreciating the value of NATURE and social innovation through Resonant Earth Technology. RainbowSpiderwebs.com