Fear :: The Rescuer or The Magician?

Stacia Karina Beazley
5 min readApr 5, 2020


There’s alot of talk out there about Fear right now as a microscopic virus makes a macroscopic impact on our global realities.

“Don’t listen to your Fear”, “Fear is bad and should be avoided”, “Fear is negative energy and will destroy you if you let it”, “Avoid Fear at all costs!”.

I have a different message for you..

Fear is not your enemy. Trying to steer away from it is fatal.

​With emotional Fear you can certainly freeze, flee or fight… however…

With pure Fear you can fly.

Fear takes you safely from the static to the unknown. With Fear you can Fly.

You can become the panicked Rescuer or the Magician.

It’s your choice.

From all the work I’ve done in the realm of feelings & emotions (and I’ve done alot as a trainer in the field) I have a deep sense of the signals that Fear brings, if I choose to listen and allow pure Fear to be part of my toolkit.

If you ignore Fear’s gifts you’re just pushing down life force energy and from there it has to go somewhere.

So it comes out in unconscious panicked fuelled actions from a place of not knowing. Often doing ‘what the others are doing’ because it seems even scarier to enter the territory of ‘not knowing’.

When you begin to own that you don’t know, the relevant action is to stop the doing… and begin to sense the information that exists beyond the confines of your mind.

Looking for answers in what can only be mentally perceived is cutting off three quarters of the information that is available to you… RIGHT NOW.

When we do this we go into fixing mode, the favourite pastime of the Rescuer, sifting through the mental archives looking for new solutions that don’t live there.

In his book ‘The Gift of Fear’, Gavin de Becker says:

“True fear is a gift that signals us in the presence of danger; thus, it will be based upon something you perceive in your environment or your circumstance. Unwarranted fear or worry will always be based upon something in your imagination or your memory.”

Imagination or memories are generated from and stored in the mind. The word imagine is to form a metal image of something.

Danger however (as quoted above) is quite a loaded word and I want to unpack that a little… this is important.

Danger is often viewed as life threatening in the context of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & environmental death.

What if danger was more simply defined as anything that has the potential to divert you away from a state of balance… stability… homeostasis?

From this perspective, there are many small ‘dangers’ that you traverse every day.

Hence, there are many opportunities every day where you have the possibility to receive the gifts of fear as it signals you to the presence of dangers, big and small.

For example:
Fear could be the signal you receive to step to the side, without rationally knowing why, before the proverbial bus speeds on by, just missing you.

Or the impulse (aka signal) to go check if you turned the stove off, only to find the pot has burnt dry and is starting to smoke.

Not being receptive to these impulses can be dangerous. Fear is the signal that alerts you to what is happening right now.

Fear is your awareness!

On an even smaller scale fear may send you the signal to have fruit for breakfast rather than your usual toast. A signal that your body is out of balance and this is what it needs to become more vital… alive.

While that may not seem ‘dangerous’ at first, compounded over years it can be.

We’re receiving signals like these all of the time that support us to maintain a dynamic state of balance.

Photo by ‘unknown’ from PxHere

Dynamic in the possibility we have to be thriving and not just surviving through the optimal functioning of all our 4 bodies; physical, mental, energetic and emotional.

You have the choice, right now, about how to work with your Fear. It is, and will always be there. You can’t cut if off or exorcise it from your body.

Fear is one of your 4 core feelings. These feelings are your superpowers and the signals that Fear provide are the fuel for your inner Magician to come online.

The Magician who is attuned to their internal and external environments, is receptive to the flow of energy and information coming in and, like an aikido ninja, can channel that energy into wise action.

Reclaiming a healthy relationship with Fear is VITAL right now.

There is alot to feel Fear about.

With it’s sensory alertness & attunement to danger Fear, guides us safely into the unknown.

And these unknown times are calling us to wake up and realign ourselves to our inner Magicians, Sorceresses and Warlocks.

The part of ourselves that we have been told is dangerous is the very tool we need to traverse danger with eyes wide open.

The part of us that sees us reclaiming our own sovereignty and inner knowing so we can feel safe to disengage, bit by bit, from following the herd and create new possibilities.

Energetic sensors activated so that we may hear the signals and make our own informed choices for how we shift into this unknown and emerging future together.

When Fear is online we’re all connected :: to self, other, land and sky. That’s where the next wise actions exist… awaiting for our knock at the door.

Who’s going to knock?

The Rescuer or The Magician?

With fierce love

Stacia Karina Beazley
Sorceress in Training

PS. Thanks for reading! If you’re interested in some online Magician/Sorceress Training Tips join our facebook group, Practical Tips for Modern Day Magicians or join our newsletter here.



Stacia Karina Beazley

Stacia is a researcher of radical human relating who is fed by challenging social norms. She is a writer, speaker, wisdom keeper, facilitator and world bridger.