Stack Admin
3 min readJan 9, 2022

Stack Treasury: Get $STACKT and enjoy compounding rewards

Stack Treasury is a revolutionary project that provides holders the ability to invest in multiple chains and earn profits from our farming strategies. Our team has a combined 50 years of technology, investment and marketing experience that puts your holding in the best position to be optimized for maximum profitability in the DeFi space.

Holders will not only enjoy reflections from our farming strategy, but you will automatically earn ETH reflections from a dedicated tax that will be available to claim via our dashboard.

The $STACKT farming and investment strategy

Here at Stack Treasury, our talented farming team experts are working hard to ensure that the initial treasury funds are properly allocated and offer the community various methods for farming yields, on a spectrum of low to high risk opportunities.

We strive to broaden our scope into several unique networks and protocols in order to increase investment diversity and reduce potential risks. We also understand the importance of maintaining confidence and strength during bearish market sentiments, which are inevitable. In response to such scenarios, our team plans to allocate a handsome portion of our funds into stablecoin farming incentives, offering APY, strong liquidity, and providing us more capital available for the next round of bullish investment opportunities. Such lower risk investment strategies are expected to produce APY gains around 30%.

As the farming portfolio at Stack Treasury continues to compound and grow, we hope to transition into more medium to high tier opportunities. With more risk comes more rewards, and our experienced analytics experts are prepared to coordinate and settle on the safest opportunities for such endeavors.

Defi Farming

This is where the true excitement and potential for Stack Treasury resides. One lucrative farming method that the Stack team is constantly monitoring involves providing liquidity to popular DeFi pooling mechanisms. Take the Fantom ecosystem for example. With such great future potential for growth upon looking at chart analysis and total value locked, Fantom would be a great opportunity for us to add to their trending pools and lock in an admirable APY for the Stack Treasury fund.

We know that a lot of our community members are anxious to accumulate those compounding gains, so it is also important to consider a high risk budget for Stack Treasury as well. The team is ready to dive into the realm of DAO yields on alternative networks, such as Avalanche. Deploying the remaining percentage of the treasury capital into this branch of yield will offer Stack Treasury another investment opportunity with impressive gains. Remember $TIME? Well, our team is currently investigating some alternatives that should reap the same type of rewards for our investors. We understand that DAO investments come with great risk and constant observing. However, the team is prepared to continually analyze our risk to rewards ratios as well as offer potential voting measures within our community for holders, so that they can have a voice in team decisions. Such strategies can offer APY returns in the 1000’s of percents.

$STACKT Dashboard Explained

We are extremely excited to share with you the $STACKT Dashboard, and all of the amazing opportunities that it will bring. As a holder of the $STACKT token, you are automatically eligible for continuous reflection rewards as the token progresses in maturity. These rewards can be claimed on our very own dashboard, and these do not even begin to include our farming rewards. 5% of every buy and sell will be converted to ETH for reflections, and the dividends depend upon how much $STACKT you are holding in your wallet relative to the total supply. The dashboard will also allow you to make the decision of claiming such reflection rewards in the form of either ETH or more $STACKT, all performed by connecting your wallet.

We hope you join us on our journey of becoming a pioneer project of the DeFi space!

Welcome to the next step in DeFi, welcome to $STACKT.