The Personal Productivity Tech Stack

Structure and save your time, effort & energy by getting things done the right way, with the best productivity tools of 2024.

6 min readMar 22, 2024

Productivity is a beast. More often than not when trying to ‘boost productivity’ we create more work and more chaos, and end up with less time and less energy. If you’re like us, you might’ve spent countless hours searching for the perfect tool, naming and labelling lists. You might’ve had one good day of organizing your inbox and tasks, only to have it all become a mess again the next day.

The right tools can solve this problem. Whether you need guidance in the way of structuring your time, effort and energy, or you’re looking for tools that mould to the way you like to get things done, we guarantee you that tool exists. We’ve curated a stack of our favorite tools that can do either or both. So you can do less, but better.


Amie is developing a productivity app that combines a person’s calendar and to-dos in one place. It will work across all devices, with an interface that “works just like you think.”

  • ✅ Use your calendar as a todo list
  • 📅 Color your calendar to organize
  • 👋 Instantly know if someone is available
  • 🎧 Track what you listened to when
  • 🔗 Send scheduling links guests love
  • 💡 Always know what your team is up to

Check out Amie


To-do lists and calendars are dead. There’s a new way to get 25% more done. Meet Motion. The app that uses artificial intelligence to optimize your day. It takes all of your tasks. All of your meetings. And builds one perfect schedule.

  • 📅 Intelligent Calendar
  • ✅ Automatic Task & Project Manager
  • 🗂 Automatic Project Manager
  • ⏱ Meeting Scheduler
  • 🔥 Browser Extension
  • 🪐 Mobile & Web App
  • 👋 1-Click Email Assistan
  • 💡 For Individuals & Teams

Check out Motion


Consolidate all your tools in one place and block time for your tasks in your calendar.

  • ⚙️ Connect your favorite tools and take care of all your tasks in one place
  • 📅 Drag and drop tasks into your calendar to create the perfect schedule
  • 📊 Stay productive throughout the day with powerful analytics and notifications
  • 🚀 Prioritise, Plan and Snooze with keyboard shortcuts
  • ⚡️ Automatically linked content from your tools to avoid context switching
  • 🏷 Custom labels to organize your work the way feels right for you.

Check out Akiflow


Visual note-taking app for creative people that combines the best from text editors and whiteboards. Think, write, and organize your thoughts based on cards and tabs. Structure and enrich all of your ideas in one place.

  • 💬 Like, comment, and mention teammates on the shared docs
  • 📝 Instantly find notes, switch docs, and move content between projects
  • 🖇 Capture snippets from any visited site using the Chrome Web Clipper
  • 📅 Schedule and focus on what you’re working on daily by syncing with Google Calendar
  • 💡 Converge your knowledge and see all needed contexts for your stuff
  • 🌀 Add more details to your notes to diverge your thoughts and ideas.

Check out xTiles


Attio is a radically new type of CRM built from the ground up for you, the user. With Attio, you can build your CRM exactly the way you want it — all without lines of code or expensive consultants.

  • 🌐 Sync your data streams. Import, sort, and organize all your relationship data
  • ⚙️ Build your ideal workflow. Easily design and implement the perfect workflow for you
  • 💬 Collaborate more effectively. Share workflows, contacts, & communications in real-time
  • 📬 Keep track of all the important conversations your team are having with intelligent communication sorting
  • 🚀 Easily pull in data from all your favorite tools through Attio’s first-class API and Zapier integration
  • 📝 Keep track of every update and thought while working with your team with notes.

Check out Attio


AI powered tools for cultivating amazing personal and professional relationships. Clay automatically builds a collection of everyone you know — securely connect your email, calendar, Twitter, Linkedin, and iMessage.

  • ☎️ Add contacts from anywhere
  • 👋 Smart push notifications
  • 🔎 Intuitive search syntax
  • 💡 Smart contact enrichment
  • 🪐 Reconnect prompts
  • ⌨️ Keyboard shortcuts
  • 👥 Rich profiles
  • 🚀 Built for speed

Check out Clay


In our fast-moving world, good old emails are becoming more time-consuming than productive. For teams, when it comes to collaborating around an email there’s no proper way to share thoughts other than more emails.

  • 📬 Team & Personal Inboxes
  • ✅ Chat & Tasks
  • 🗂 Canned & Variable Responses
  • ⌘ Command Bar‍
  • 💬 Conversation Assignment
  • ☎️ Contact Management
  • 🎨 Custom Branded Live Chat
  • 📺 Custom Channels

Check out Missive


Fabric is an intelligent multiplayer workspace that works just like your mind. All your bookmarks, notes, and files in one home. Get perfect memory and seamless collaboration across your digital world.

  • 🚀 Collaborative internet drive
  • 🤖 AI search engine
  • 🗂️ Save content
  • ✍️ Annotate anything
  • 🌐 Save a website
  • 📝 Make a note

Check out Fabric


tabExtend gives you the ability to handle tabs in your browser in a new intuitive way. Quickly take notes. Access anywhere. Always close by, in your browser’s new tab.

  • 💾 Save, close and open groups of tabs, drag and drop or right click any page to save
  • 📝 Quickly write notes, add colors and turn in to to-do items
  • 🗂 Rearrange everything into groups, categories and workspaces
  • ⚡️ Generate groups populated with your bookmarks and most visited sites
  • 🪐 Share workspaces/categories privately or publicly with others
  • 🔥 In-site popover with options for saving and accessing tabs + creating notes
  • 💻 iOS and Android apps to access and save notes and sites

Check out tabExtend


Experience a calmer, more personal internet in this browser designed for you. Let go of the clicks, the clutter, the distractions. Arc is a better way to use the internet, starting with your browser. Let go of the clicks, clutter, and distraction with Arc.

  • 📌 Pinned tabs for the stuff you want to get to later
  • ⭐️ Favourite tabs for the stuff you use all the time
  • 🪐 Spaces: unique sidebars for different contexts)
  • 👋 Profiles to scope Logins, Cookies, Browsing History, and more
  • 🌎 Split view up to four tabs at once
  • 📝 Notes as tabs for quick scratchpads
  • 🎨 Easels: a super simple drawing & text canvas

Check out Arc

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