What is malware analysis and why is it important? — StackZero

3 min readMay 15, 2022


Do you know what is malware analysis?
In this article I’ll try to explain in a simple way what is malware analysis and what are the main steps to follow in a malware analysis process.

In summary: it’s the process of determining the functionality, origins and potential impact of a given malware sample.

This process is reverse engineering of a given sample in order to determine how it works.
Obtained information can then be used to develop countermeasures and defenses against the malware in question.

What is a malware

Malware is short for “ malicious software “:

Malware is any software that is designed to intentionally cause disruption to a computer, server, client, or computer network.
This software can leak private information, gain unauthorized access to information or systems, or deprive users of access to information.
Additionally, malware can interfere with a user’s computer security and privacy without the user’s knowledge.

Types of malware




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