Prophet-Able Venture

Phil Phil
1 min readMay 13, 2019


— They say you’re a soothsayer.

— Of sorts. People come to me to learn of their true fortune. Whether good or bad, I tell them what is it to happen.

— I’d like to know my fortune.

— Very good. Please step forward and gaze deeply into my crystal ball.

(Crystal ball begins to glow brightly)

— It…it’s the number 313.

— Why yes it is. Tsk tsk.

— 313? What does that mean? What does that have to do with anything?

— It’s your credit score.

— Oh, you’re a fortune teller. I get it.

— Indeed. Also, for having inquired, your credit score has further plummeted.

— Seriously?

— Fear not. I foresee that soon you will accept money from start-up companies in exchange for tattooing their domain names on your face. This act will yield profit.

— Oh…that’s not all bad, I guess.

— Well, it’s not good.

