How to Figure Out What Your Soulful Business Stands For.

Stacy Vajta
4 min readNov 17, 2019


Photo by Rowan Chestnut on Unsplash

Some thoughts on how to find your message. To stand out with your business and stand up for what you are here to do.

Before the selling, the social media posts and heading off to network, you’ve got to know what you have to say through your business. You need to do the inner work to know what your message is and what your business is all about.

Starting at the beginning isn’t where most of us start. 90% of the people I work with have been doing their thing for a while. They learned a modality or a skill and focused on that.

And that worked until it didn’t.

If you’ve gotten out there and started offering sessions and workshops and programs without uncovering and embodying your unique message — your perspective about what matters to you that your work has an impact on — then chances are you’ll hit a wall at some point.

You’ll realize you need something more to say that helps you to stand out from the crowd to then grow your business. You figure out that you must step back and come to know what you have to say… what you think about people and the world and how your work intersects with the things you want to have an impact around.

It’s here, where you take that brave step and clarify your message; where you begin to create a business that is truly “you.”

Marketing your soulful business isn’t always easy. There are a ton of people out there offering coaching or some healing modality. There are people everywhere helping people transform and tap into their creativity.

And those who need your help are inundated with static noise; so much of the same ideas are being bantered around. So much of the same offerings arrive in their inbox.

Your people out there are craving your unique voice.

They are craving your particular thoughts, not what you think about your modality or thing you do necessarily, but your thoughts on what you see as the issue they face. They want to know if you are like them; if you see the solution they can’t.

You need to share your message. Your opinion.

The trouble is, so many soulful entrepreneurs don’t yet know what their message is. They haven’t yet been guided into the process of clarification because most of the business support is about getting into “doing.” You get the list of steps to create the “thing,” not necessarily how to do the emotional business development that’s needed to guide you toward understanding your unique business.

To step back and spend some time to understand what you have to say, however, is the most valuable bit of work you can do. Doing so will quickly move you forward in ways you can’t yet imagine.

It all begins with knowing your message.

Here’s what I suggest you start working on:

First off, let go of the need for your message to be about your modality or craft. Ultimately what you have to say is bigger than the tools you use. Spend time considering what you care about in this world of ours.

What captures your attention, maybe even bothers you? What do you see happening around you that you want to see change for the better? What do you think about the most? Why? Why is that important to you?

Focus on the opinions or ideas you have about the problems you see out there, with your clients and in general. Maybe what you have to say is not problem-based. Maybe your message is a thought or belief that is a prevailing thought in your life. A truth. So, what drives you? If you were to stand up on your soapbox, what do you want to say?

Think then about what you do — your craft — and how that intersects with this issue. How can you help? What do you do that can have an impact on that? What’s the journey you want to take people on around this thing that matters to you?

Speak to that, to begin with, and see where that takes you. See who resonates with your message. And watch for how afraid you are to say what might rub people the wrong way. This is your chance to claim your power.

Having a message-led business isn’t just about your marketing.

Leading with your message will absolutely make marketing easier. It’ll make tackling your social media easier. You begin to create a community where you engage more and have to “sell” less. You step out of the fight to be heard in all the static noise. People get to know you and trust you, and that’s when they buy from you.

But it will also make running your business easier because every part of your business will align with how you choose to lead people through the journey of your message.

This shift with your business isn’t something you do in the course of an hour.

It’s easy to fall back into vague ideas or modality speak. It takes time to clarify your message and come to understand it. There’s energetic work to do, to embody this message. There’s work to be done with your business to re-align it with what you have to say; to understand this new platform and how your craft fits into this.

But here is what I have come to know, through my own journey and what I see time and again with those I work with. I know that when you find this message of yours, your business responds. People respond. It’s how you and your business grow. It’s how you’ll thrive.

Originally published at on October 8, 2019.



Stacy Vajta ~ Helping women grow, as they grow older. ✨ Embrace your power, creativity & a spirited third act. Visit my website for free ebooks!