The Cool Kid at School

Stacy Howard
2 min readJun 4, 2023


A fresh new school with the coolest kids I ever knew.

That is how I remember Lufkin Middle School.

I was the new kid, and my face was unfamiliar to the cool kids.

I decided I wanted to be like them, so I started picking on Kim.

Kim was a quiet kid and happy like she should be

Until she met me, the 8th grade bully.

I am not that bad guy they painted me out to be

I was as big as a tree and wouldn’t hurt a flea.

I was the tallest kid in the whole middle school.

You couldn’t tell me nothing in P.E. I thought I was cool.

Until I saw Kim, I would get so mad.

I could not wait to pick on her in P.E. class.

Kim did not seem to mind if she was the kid I didn’t like.

Why is she so kind? Does she not know the world is cruel all the time?

Nobody even notices the true nature of their crime.

And I would soon learn mine,

In 5th period I saw her again

“Look there goes that girl Kim,” I said.

“Let’s go pick on her, it is so much fun, isn’t it?”

Said one of the cool kids.

Down the hall not even 5 yards away

I hear something loud start to bang. The bangs turn into a voice

that belonged to the smallest kid in middle school, and

Because she was so small, they all thought she was cool

What are you doing to Kim?” she said.

“That’s my friend and I will not watch you bully her so, you can fit in.,”

said the smallest kid. “What do you mean, I just did,” I replied.

“And now I am the cool kid because of it.”

Cool Kids wouldn’t do this,” said the smallest kid

Then she grabs up her hair to give it a twist, her response was epic,

“Bullies are useless, and I cannot watch you

be abusive I bet you I can stop everyone that is doing this.”

She jumped up onto the bench at the end of the hall swinging her book bag and

dared one more person to say something else about Kim,

but they never did because even the bully.

was afraid of the smallest kid.



Stacy Howard

You can’t give your life more time, so why not give the time you have left more life