2023’s Ultimate Celestial Spectacle


Harvest Moon 🌕Meets Super Moon in Aries, Prepare to Be Amazed

4:58 a.m. CST on the 29th of September is the peak of this Super Full Moon. It will be a bit closer to the Earth than the moon “Normally” is on a Full Moon thus it is considered a Super Moon.

It is time to get clear and focused as you delve into inner work with this Full Moon. No more perfect time to look at your shadows within and consider the shifts, blocks, and healing you may benefit most from. A near-perfect mantra would be “Let it go” and “Let the guilt go”.

This full moon is firey 🔥 aka the fire sign Aries (the first sign of the Zodiac) and will be good for the fire and air signs, everyone else may find challenges arising now. Be aware of being ill-tempered and taking time to just go be you and have fun. Be wary of getting stuck or set in your ways and take more of a live-and-let-live attitude.

However, don’t forget Full Moons are a great time to follow tradition and set rituals. This full moon is the time to write out that forgiveness list of anyone and anything that has put you on tilt for the past month. Release. This is Queen Energy. Remember that forgiveness is NOT for the other person, simply for you to allow yourself freedom and to move forward with ease!

Write down the transgressions, the hurts, the stories, on paper until you have come to completion. Then find somewhere to burn the forgiveness list. Now, adopt that attitude of gratitude.

For YOU are the strongest entity in your reality!

Reality Creation 1.0

A Course to Help You Let Go of Your Doubts and Achieve Any Goals

Have you ever wondered why it feels like you take two steps forward and five steps back?

Trust me! I have. It’s a practice to stay out of that old, learned behavior, pattern, and mindset. And, I much prefer to not ever be in that frame of mind, however, the tug of the Matrix is real!

I have always known that I was meant to be on stage leading and Coaching people I just couldn’t see how it was going to happen. NOT AT ALL. I got a degree in Communication. That didn’t open the doors. I started Coaching in the gym, which was more of a platform. And, then only recently did I realize the first step of my being on ‘stage’ was my virtual stage platform given to me by social media. Something I fought with a fierceness initially.

Now, I am excited to talk about experiences I have endured and lived through that have brought me to where I am today. A mentor and coach helping others witness their inner desires and higher selves. Like, what could be better? This is my calling. My dream job, which isn’t a job at all. What I wanted more than anything but couldn’t seem to peg.

Do you want to know why I couldn’t lock down “WHAT” I was supposed to do? “WHO” I am? What the more was?

  • A) I wanted to control everything, I was clinging to the rock in the stream and not going with the flow
  • B) I lived in a state of fear of taking the wrong steps, not knowing myself, listening too much to others’ thoughts and opinions, and identifying with them in my desire to find self.

Now, I know that I am the ONLY creator of my reality if I choose to be. I know what the *more* is that I was meant for. This took silencing everyone else.

I am here to teach others how to be their most desired self. How to reach in, acknowledge, and let go of the blocks that plague them. So I have created an EPIC Course to lead the way!

REALITY Shifting (10-week LIVE course) to support you going into the Holiday season and breaking down barriers while reaching into your power! Your Self! Your strength!!!

What you will get⚡

  1. 10 ~ Week LIVE Course
  2. 10 Live Group Calls
  3. 1 Private 1-on-1 call with Me!
  4. Private WhattsApp Thread
  5. Private FB Group
  6. Weekly Workbook 📝
  7. Expansive Resource Library📚
  8. Human Design Reading & Energetic Healings and BOOSTS throughout

These are all personalized for NEXT-LEVEL energetic upgrades & self-healing 💫

This course will start on Oct 15, 2023!


✨If 1-on-1 Coaching is more your Jam sign up for an Introductory Session with me! I am opening up 3 new spots to start SOON!✨

All the best,

Stacy Sam Lenae



Stacy Sam Lenae | Reality Transformation Coach

🌟 Former Army wife gone ROGUE! From a SAHM to realizing who I truly AM: Queer psychic medium. Embracing the journey of a fearless life! 🌈✨