Auto claim your mega bundle games

2 min readJun 10, 2020


So you are a good person and you paid some money to the very nice Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality.

Cool, good for you, you are one of us and we all love you.

Now, let’s claim all your sweet sweet games !


Sorry, I would prefer to use Firefox for that but right now I have to use a Chrome extension which I don’t know Firefox’s equivalent.


So, with Chrome, install ScriptAutoRunner extension.
Once it is installed, you’ll have a nice a new icon at the right of your adress bar:

If you click on the icon, you’ll see that

Add a new auto script

Ok, now you’ll have to copy paste this script:

In a new auto script. Here is a gif on how to do that !

Add a new auto script

Claim your games !!!!

So, go to your page bundle, turn on your new auto script, refresh the your page … and wait ❤

don’t forget to refresh the page after turning on the autoscript ! (and don’t forget to turn it off in the end)




stadja@LTN | J’écris pour Le Tarsier Numérique tous les petits défis techniques que nous rencontrons et dont nous voulons vous parler.