3 Body Language Tips Your Restaurant Staff NEED To Know

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3 min readNov 26, 2018

Your whole restaurant team is constantly communicating to your guests through body language. One of your team members could be saying all the right things but could still be making guests feel unwelcome or uncomfortable through body language.

Here are our 3 body language tips you and your restaurant staff need to make sure you’re implementing!

1. Smile

A smile goes a long way! Are your staff smiling to guests when they greet them, or do they have a very serious, stone cold expression?

Smiling can make a guest immediately feel welcome and comfortable in the space.

But the key to smiling, is genuity. If it isn’t genuine, the guest will pick that up and it will feel fake to the guest and therefore, they not feel completely welcome in the space.

It signals approachability, which is exactly what you need in the hospitality industry.

Make sure your hosts, bartenders, servers and managers are all smiling when talking to your guests. This should be happening when they arrive, throughout their stay and when they leave!

2. Eye Contact

Yes, it is very simple and seems obvious… But oh so important!

When guests are greeted by a server, the server shouldn’t be looking down at a pad of paper saying in a monotone voice “Welcome to John’s Steakhouse, I’m Bob. I’ll be your server for the evening.”

The server should have their head up, looking around the table, making eye contact with all the guests. Big smile on their face. Brightly saying “Good evening, welcome to John’ Steakhouse! I’m Bob, I’ll be taking care of you this evening. Now can I get you started with still or sparkling water?” *Looking at guests*

This helps make your guests feel at ease. Because that’s why they came to your restaurant right?

But it’s important to note that you and your staff shouldn’t be staring at guests, that makes them feel uncomfortable. Genuine eye contact.

3. Crossed Arms

Whether you are a host, server or manager. You should never be crossing your arms. This signals to a guest that you’re perhaps not open and friendly as it is a defensive stance. Therefore making them feel on edge or uncomfortable.

Make sure that your arms are at your side or even behind you if you’re not performing tasks.

An open stance helps make sure guests feel at ease.

To Conclude

Hospitality is about making guests feel welcome and at home, and this goes so much further than simply verbal language.

Body language is key.

And remember to take note of your guests’ body language! This can help tell you if your guests are happy or not, and allow you to make changes to turn their mood around.

Staffy is a staffing company that provides you with temporary on-demand restaurant and event staff within 90 minutes in Toronto, Vancouver and New York. Whether you need to hire a bartender, waiter or catering staff, Staffy has you covered! Learn more at www.staffy.com



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