The Intriguing World of Stage Hypnosis Classes: Unveiling the Secrets of Mind Control Entertainment

Stage Hypnosis University
3 min readAug 6, 2023

Stage hypnosis has long captivated audiences around the world with its mesmerizing displays of mind control and comedic antics. From making people believe they are chickens to imagining they are world-renowned celebrities, stage hypnotists wield the power of suggestion to entertain and amaze. But how do these magicians of the mind achieve such extraordinary feats? The answer lies in the world of stage hypnosis classes — a fascinating realm where ordinary people can learn the art of hypnosis and unlock the secrets of captivating an audience through the power of suggestion.

The Basics of Stage Hypnosis

Stage hypnosis is a form of entertainment that involves inducing a state of hypnosis in volunteers from the audience and then orchestrating amusing and sometimes bizarre scenarios. Unlike therapeutic hypnosis, which aims to promote relaxation and address personal issues, stage hypnosis seeks to entertain and engage the crowd through playful and theatrical displays.

Key Elements of Stage Hypnosis Classes

1. Hypnosis Fundamentals:

Stage hypnosis classes typically start by introducing students to the fundamentals of hypnosis. This includes understanding the conscious and subconscious mind, the power of suggestion, and the techniques used to induce a hypnotic state.

2. Safety and Ethics:

Ethics play a crucial role in stage hypnosis. Participants must provide informed consent, and their well-being and safety should always be a top priority. Stage hypnosis classes emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive and respectful environment throughout the show.

3. Induction Techniques:

Students learn various induction techniques used to guide volunteers into a hypnotic state. Rapid inductions, progressive relaxation, and eye fixation are among the methods employed to establish the trance-like state essential for the show.

4. Developing Stage Presence:

A successful stage hypnotist not only possesses the skills of hypnosis but also masters the art of captivating the audience. Stage hypnosis classes focus on teaching aspiring performers how to develop stage presence, charisma, and comedic timing to create an engaging and unforgettable show.

5. Creating Hypnotic Suggestions:

Crafting imaginative and entertaining suggestions is a hallmark of stage hypnosis. Students learn how to design creative scenarios that evoke laughter and amusement from the audience while ensuring the volunteers remain comfortable and entertained.

Benefits Beyond the Stage

While stage hypnosis classes primarily aim to prepare individuals for entertaining on stage, participants often find that the skills they acquire extend to other aspects of their lives. These newfound abilities can improve public speaking skills, increase self-confidence, and enhance interpersonal communication.

Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions

Stage hypnosis has often been associated with skepticism and misconceptions about the legitimacy of hypnosis itself. It is essential to understand that stage hypnosis is a performance art form, and the volunteers willingly participate for entertainment purposes. Participants cannot be forced to do anything against their will or morals while under hypnosis. The power of suggestion relies on the cooperation and receptiveness of the volunteers.


Stage hypnosis classes offer an exciting opportunity for individuals to explore the intriguing world of hypnosis entertainment. By understanding the fundamentals of hypnosis, mastering the art of suggestion, and developing captivating stage presence, aspiring performers can dazzle audiences and leave a lasting impression. However, it is crucial to remember that stage hypnosis is purely a form of entertainment, and the power of suggestion should always be exercised ethically and responsibly. So, if you find yourself fascinated by the idea of hypnotizing a crowd and creating laughter through the power of suggestion, stage hypnosis classes might be the perfect avenue to explore your hidden talents and unlock the secrets of the human mind.



Stage Hypnosis University

Stage Hypnosis University combines incredible online training with an unrivalled mentoring program. Make $1500 - $10,000 per show! Let's get you on stage FAST!